Wednesday, October 31, 2007
A Church like no other
Things went awesome tonight. We had our most people ever - 120. It was packed! When we arrive there are 79 seats available, we put out extra, there were a total of about 115. 112 seats were taken, and about 8 people were standing.
No protestors, which is a plus.
Lots of cool things happened, cool conversations ... One girl decided to give her life to Christ. God is doing something special there.
I also love his discription of his type of church:
For seventeen years now I've been searching for churches that are truly reaching people who are seriously far from God. Not churches reaching people who go to church, or used to go to church and stopped for awhile and now they're back. I want to see churches that are reaching people who are shocked that they're going to church, and reaching those people in large numbers. I'm sure there are churches like that out there, but I have found very, very few. Sometimes I'll hear about one, then go check it out and return home disappointed.
I never really thought about it before, but that is exactly the kind of church I have always wanted to be a part of. I do want "unchurched" and "dechurched" people because I want anybody who needs Christ, but I agree there are not many churches out there who are reaching those that have never darkened the door of a church or reaching the last people you would think would enter a church. The more I thought of it, the more I realize that that is who we will be reaching in France, because you have a whole generation that has had no contact with church (mostly Catholic) and the ones that say they go to a church (usually the older people) only go on Christmas, Easter, or when they get married.
We hope to learn so much from Vince Antonucci because God is blessing him with ideas that you don't find many churches willing to do. Read this to get a feel for his Sunday morning service.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
The Holidays on a Budget
If you're like me, I come from a fairly large family, especially with all the nieces and nephews, and many of my family member are very blessed financially. I really struggle this time of year because even though we draw names, I usually spend much more than we have because I don't want to look poor or not be involved in the gift exchange. This website gave me much hope for this holiday season. Not only is it going to help me be organized, but it has given me great ideas for decorating and gift buying on a budget.
So as of November 1st...LET THE FESTIVITIES BEGIN!!!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Hanging on to nothing but Jesus
We went to the fair last week: spent 10 hours walking around; seeing lots of exhibits; riding a few rides; saw a magic show; saw the pig races; ... basically we wore our kids slam out. We had to carry the oldest two the last couple of hours of walking because their feet hurt so bad (This is the first year we only had one double stroller). It was a blast though. I have to say my husband was so sweet in helping me do a scavenger hunt I printed out for my kids (which they could have cared less about). Of course, once I start something there's this competitive thing within me that needs to prove I can finish it, and he went to every out of the way exhibit and never complained once to help me complete my sheet. Sadly I did not get two of them, but my sweet husband was willing to run across the park and find the last two answers for me as our last deed for the night. I know he sounds pretty awesome, but knowing how much alike we are, he probably felt a small challenge to want to finish our scavenger hunt.
Also... It has rained!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not at the fair, bu the past two days. And it was not just a drizzel. It has down poured... it also thundered and lightninged so much and so close by I really thought it was going to hit our house. It was so beautiful!!
I have also been very content and happy homeschooling, training my kids up, organizing my house, and loving my husband....
Ken and I have loved getting more involved in our church and leading a home group...
...but I have to say contentment does not overwhelm me. I mean I am very content, but my heart has been so heavy for France. Even as God continues to make the path clear and do some awesome things... my heart is heavy. The smiles I see in my kids eyes I think of all the millions of kids that have no opportunity to hear the gospel. In the quietness in my home, I think of the spiritual quietness across Europe that is droning into the empty hearts of Europeans that is sending them to an eternity separated from Christ. I can't help but think who died today never hearing that Jesus came so that they may see, hear, and experience life...
I know Gods timing is perfect... but have you ever hung on to your last thread of faith, and the only thing that makes sense is sitting at the feel of Jesus and hanging onto His Word. We know God loves the French and Europeans more than we do. We know what He has put on our (mine and Ken's) hearts and continues to develop.... It's just so hard to wait... and wait... and wait... and wait some more... which I know forces me deep into knowing Jesus... but it is still so hard.... and then you continue to wait... and wait some more...
"Thank you Lord that Your ways and Your time are perfect... and that you love me and the French enough not to let Ken & I go too soon, because we want the greatest harvest for Your kingdom. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for bringing me to this point so that I have nothing left to understand or believe in but You."
Friday, October 19, 2007
Kem Meyer - Less Clutter & Noise
She writes:
Here's an excerpt of an article I recently read in Fast Company.
"The human eye has a blind spot in its field of vision. The human mind has something similar. Sometimes you can't 'see' new information because you are bound by filters and lack the mental framework to make sense of what your eyes take in. People often see what they want to see and ignore information that doesn't fit their preconceptions. We default to the shortcut of seeing things the same way. People seek stability and security so seeing things in a way that confirms their beliefs gives them both."
It just doesn't come natural to actually get out of our own way. When we go on auto-pilot...
- we fill in the blanks
- which cause us to make assumptions
- which leads to bad information
- which leads to bad decisions
- which, ultimately, leads to bad consequences.
Those consequences could be anything from a missed opportunity to a damaged relationship; an ineffective outreach to a dying church; a broken life to a fractured community. We have to be intentional about doing our homework. It requires stepping out of our comfort zone, but in the process, we learn something about ourself and others.
I'm passionate about minimizing this practice of 'filling in the blanks' in my own life and ministry. Really. It keeps me up at night (I've talked about it many times here, here, here for starters). It's amazing to me the simple wisdom, new impact and connection that's available to us when we open our mind and let go of preconceived notions. It's our responsibility to acknowledge that 9x out of 10, there's more to the story. And, before we leap to conclusions about a best practice...a person...a decision, we should learn about it.
Somebody recently forwarded me a link to this blog pedestal. A lot of untested assumptions are made in that post about good churches and good pastors.
"Help yourself see more by looking past your beliefs." Marcia L. Conner
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Can God really change lives in a bar?
Last night we had our second service at the bar. We had 3 less people than the prior Tuesday. However, there were less of "our" people there (regular Forefront attenders) so there were actually more "outsiders" there. The service went awesome.
The first week my highlights were: (1) During the message, some guy at the bar yelled "Bullsh*t!" There is some debate about whether he was saying it to me or not. Immediately after, someone yelled, "Shut up!" which most people think was directed at the B.S. guy, not at me. Either way, the owner of the bar grabbed the B.S. guy, put him in a headlock, and escorted him out. I have been preaching for about twelve years, and I've had all kinds of reactions to my sermons, good and bad, but never has anyone had to be put in a headlock and carried out of the room. That is too sweet! (2) After the service this kind of big, kind of tough looking guy came up to me. I realized he had tears in his eyes. He said, "Hey man, thanks for teaching me about forgiveness." Okay, that was seriously awesome.
So check this out: Last night (week two) immediately after the service I went up to that guy and said, "Thanks for coming back." He said, "No, thank you. I would never go to church on a Sunday morning. This is perfect for me. Thanks for doing this for me." I answered, "No problem, man, I'm glad to be here." So he says, "Can I ask you a question. How much would it cost me for a service?" I was like, "Sorry, what do you mean?" He said, "How much would it cost me to have a service?" Me: "Sorry, I don't get what you mean." Him: "How much would it cost to get the guys to come out?" Me: "Do you mean our band?" Him: "Yeah." Me: "Ohhhhh, yeah they do play at all kinds of stuff. I don't know how much it would cost. You'd have to ask Joe." Him: "Okay. See, I have a huge back yard, and I throw huge parties. Huge! So I'll buy all the food and all the drinks, and I'd like to have a service." Me: "A service?" Him: "Yeah, I'm going to invite all my friends, and then surprise them with a service. Just like what you guys did tonight. I want the sermon, the videos, the music." Me: "Wait a second. You mean that you want to have a church service in your back yard for your friends?" Him: "Yeah. Just like you did tonight. So, how much would I have to pay?" Me: "Dude, if you invite all your friends over and let us have a church service in your back yard, you definitely don't have to pay!" Him: "Really?!?" Me: "Really!" Him: "Welllll, then, I'll have you picked up in a limosine." Me: "Uhhh, no, that's okay, I have a car." Him: "So you'd come out and do church for my friends for free?" Me: "Yes!" Him: "Wow! Okay, then you can count on it! We'll do it on a Friday night."
How cool is that?!? This guy is not a Christian, and is going to surprise all his friends with a church service!?! Reminds me of a party some guy named Matthew threw in the Bible...
By the way, if anyone reading this has a bunch of non-Christian friends and wants us to come and do church for them in your back yard, we'll do it for free. (But if you live more than 60 miles from my house, send the limo.)
Monday, October 15, 2007
Car broke down in parking lot last Sunday... it's still there. Ken thought he could fix it, but it's going to need a tow.
Wednesday got a phone call from someone saying they felt God leading them to give us their van.
Thursday went and picked up a 2000 Honda Odyssey... It is so nice. They had it detailed... and it has more than I could ever have imagined. It is nicer than I would have ever bought for myself. When I was driving it home with the kids all sitting quietly watching a dvd, I thought, "I feel like a rich person." And I felt God saying to me, "You are rich because you are my child." I cry every time I get in the car or just think about what is sitting in my driveway.
Friday I frantically prepared for my oldest son's birthday party. We were going to be busy Saturday morning, so I had to do everything Friday. I even made his cake; it was a Star Wars ship with all the characters and a fight (and for those of you who really know me I know you are smiling).
Saturday I got up and went and ran a road race. Nothing exciting... for being 40 I did win a really nice pillow and two gift certificates. I laughed at the fact that the top 3 "20 somethings" did not get pillows... So what are they trying to say?
Saturday we raced home, I cleaned the house, finished putting out the food (did not have time to shower), so I just brushed my hair, put on nice clothes and went out to greet people.
The party was a blast thanks to our great friends Kim & David Broadwell. David created a whole theme around Star Wars where he created these light sabers that the kids got to make after they found a crystal in the yard wrapped in tinfoil. They then had to pass a light saber test to go from being "padewans" to "jedi knights". After they became a Jedi they had alot of time to fight with light sabers (and without light sabers) on the blow up jump around "thing". It all concluded with a pinata of Darth Vader where they got to try and kill him where he then would explode candy for all the kids to take home. It was an impressive party... and all I had to do was supply the food and location. Thanks Kim & David! You guys are so special to us.
We then kept all their three boys overnight only to have to get up (Ken & I and 7 kids) at 6:00am to get to church by 8am because we had a class we are taking for small group leaders. After the class I go into the service and they tell me I am singing at the 11 o'clock service (I am on the praise team). So without even getting to look over the songs, I went up on stage and praised the Lord with the best of them.
After church we went out to finally get to look at our broken down car from last week and while Ken was trying to fix a belt, a very large piece that I guess is important broke off... so the awesome thing is that God knew our more reliable car was on it's last leg and that we would need something else... and I didn't break down on the highway or in the middle of nowhere with 4 kids... our car died in the church parking lot where there were people to help us, and then from that church God put it on someone's heart, who I'm not sure knew how bad our car situation was, to give us the nice van they drove every day. I cry (even now) every time I think about what God did.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
God Is So Amazing!
..but especially thank you Lord for such an amazing gift, I was just hoping to get something that runs, but You gave us more than we could have imagined... and bless those who gave this to us, and their ministry, abundantly because I know they will bless others.
Happy Birthday Levi!!
...Those next 2-3 days in the hospital were some of the best days of my life though. Being cooped up in a room with the two most important men in my life, being waited on hand and foot by great nurses at Raleigh Community Hospital, and having people come visit me... I thought I was in heaven... so I did it three more times. :-) In fact I did it three more times so quickly the nurses at the hospital began to call me by my first name and would just laugh when they would see me come in.
Maybe in a couple of years I can talk my husband into doing it one more time. (Okay if he reads this blog I am busted)
Oh well...
Can I just say I love chatting with my blogging friends. You guys are so awesome! Thanks for such sweet comments. I hope to meet you all someday, and if it's not on this side of the ocean, please come visit us in France... You have a place to stay.
Monday, October 08, 2007
Miracle Weekend at C3
Our pastor has been going through a series call "Miracles" and many of us who have been walking with our church during this time are joining our church in praying for our own miracles. Many are praying for healing; many are praying for a financial miracle; many are praying for restored relationships and marriages, or lost loved ones... We want Jesus to show up so radically in our lives and and in the life of our church that the world will see and take notice and know that the only conclusion is that God showed up.
Well I have to say I am so excited to see what God does through all of this, but I do know that when Christians get serious about their faith and reaching the lost, Satan doesn't like it and will try to thwart God's plans and steal your joy in the process.
I had to laugh yesterday, because as we laid our sacrificial offering at the altar yesterday, and are believing God for a financial miracle, and also believing that God is going to fulfill the desire He put in our hearts; and that is to reach Europe with a relevant message of Christ in a radical way...
we went out to start the better or our two vans (this one only has 180 thousand miles on it, has a radio, air-conditioning, and the transmission doesn't slip)... Well, we now believe this may be the worst of the two vans. It is still sitting in the church parking lot maybe never to start again. So now I am driving the "other" van... the one we only drive in emergencies because it is hot, has no radio, and we are just waiting for the transmission to fall out on the road. Lucky for me I am a "the glass is half full" kind of person, and that just convinces me that God is doing something awesome, and I just sang praise songs and kept telling my kids how exciting this was because now God had to show up. :-)
Satan is not going to steal my joy... He is not going to steal our dream... He cannot thwart what God wants to do... so I just say "bring it on"... My God is bigger, He is more powerful, He is Healer, Provider, He is Comforter... there is nothing too hard or big or messed up that He cannot fix, heal, or restore. My God Is the Great I Am and nothing can keep him from blessing His children and using them to change the world.
Can I hear an Amen!?... boy things like this fire me up. I am definitely a David kind of person, because I just want to take my little sling shot and chase Satan down because I know when God wants to win He will!
Saturday, October 06, 2007
A gift for my son
Now I have shared many times how old I am only because it makes the stories more understandable... So yes I am 40 which puts me into another category in the running world. I am now a "Master" which basically means you're old and they want to give you a medal for still getting out their and attempting to run fast. Well, I have run 4 races this years and I have won only one, but all three of the other ones I won money... only because I am 40 and am now a "masters runner".
At one of the races and old coach friend of mine who helps put on a number of these races emailed me about a number of races where I might could win some "masters" money. So I have jumped in a few, and today was one of them. Today, though, was a serious race with women being flown in from all over the country coming to run this race. It was called the "Women's Only 5k" and was a fund raiser for breast cancer. The winner of this race won $1,250 and there was money up to 5th place. I knew I was not in the running for that, but there was also money for the top 3 masters runners ($750 for 1st, $500 for 2nd, and $250 for 3rd), and last year there was one great runner, but the next three runners were pretty slow.
So my sweet husband who loves to cheer me on when I run, helped get all our kids up and dressed by 6:30am, threw them in the car and drove me and our 4 kids for 1 &1/2 hours to get to this road race... knowing that he would have to chase kids for the next 2-3 hours.
Well, still recovering from a strange virus I got and then dehydration, I went out too fast and did not run a blazing time, but when all was said and done, I was the 3rd Masters runner across the line, which meant I won $250. I have never won that kind of money in a race. I knew there were at least two ladies who looked like masters runners in front of me, but when my husband went and checked the race results and saw that I did get 3rd and was in the money, I cried.
Even typing this it makes me cry... I'm not really sure why... I guess because I really am not running good times compared to last year, and the next two ladies across the line after me were masters runners... but more importantly my 6 year old's birthday is next week and we did not have any money to throw him a party or get him a present. I am still struggling to get back into running after being sick I could very easily not have been in the money... but God chose for me to be the 3rd masters. The only reason I went to this race was because I wanted to win some money for my son's birthday and I knew it was a gamble... I even had to pay $30 to enter the race.
There are children starving and sick and dying, and people dying and going to hell who have never heard the gospel, and my God cared about me wanting to bless my son with a party where he could invite his friends and buy him a gift.
I don't know why He cares about the little things... but He does...
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Nothing is to hard for my God
Nope, it was none of those things... It was because during one of the songs, my brother, who has never really walked with the Lord as an adult, who spent a year in Iraq and came home about a year ago and went off the deep end, our family not knowing where he was or if he was alive or hurt... He and his now wife both started coming to our church about a year ago. They had just met; her son went to C3 with his father, and well Thomas's sister was the pastor's wife, so they both had an "excuse" to come to church and not feel weird because they were coming together. Well, they both rededicated their lives to the Lord after accepting Christ as children, and have never been the same since.
Now to why last night was so awesome. During one of the slow worship songs I just happened to look over and my brother had both hands up in the air worshipping. I had to take another look to see if what I saw was what I thought I saw. I knew he and his wife were serious about their commitment to God and the church, but I never thought I would see my brother raise his hands in worship. We were raised Free Will Baptist for goodness sake. They then played some very exciting upbeat songs and of course I am up front jumping around with the teenagers, and while spinning around I see my brother who was sitting on the second row jumping just as much as myself and the others under 20. Now if you had met him before this, you would laugh at me to think he would show that much emotion. It was an incredible sight.
Now if I wasn't convinced before... I know there is a God in heaven who hears the cries of a family for their prodigal lost son or daughter.... So if you are one out there who is still shedding tears and praying, don't give up, ask everyone you know to pray and keep praying because God is working even when you can't see it, and He'll show up and do a miracle before your eyes when you least expect it.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
"Fishing For Sharks"
“Vince, why does one of your church campuses meet in a bar?” (In case you don’t know, one of our church campuses meets in a bar. We have a service there on Tuesday nights. The bar is open for business when we meet. The service is basically identical to our Sunday morning service. So, yes, we sing songs, preach a sermon, offer communion, take an offering.) So why in a bar? Well, thinking back on last week … if you wanted to fish for sharks, where should you fish? You can go to the place where fish are, and hope some sharks are in the area. Another option is to hang out in your swimming pool and send postcards to the sharks inviting them to come for a visit. But I’m guessing the most effective place to fish for sharks is where the sharks are. And that’s why we meet in a bar. Ironically we’ve had a few Christians who go to bars complain, saying it's okay for them to go hang out in a bar, but it's not okay for us to have "church" in a bar. I barely think that deserves a response, but briefly I would say that I’m pretty sure the New Testament teaches that wherever a Christian goes, he or she has brought God there, whether someone calls it “church” or not. Other Christians complain, and these are the types who would never set foot in a bar. I understand their feeling cautious, and probably some of them shouldn't go in a bar. But saying that no Christian can, that's a bit extreme. Especially since Jesus hung out in drinking places with drinking people (to the extent that people accused him of being a drunkard). By the way, I get to talk to a lot of future church planters and most would prefer to meet in a school to a movie theater. And I’ve heard some planters who meet in a theater but wish they could meet in a school. Let me just say this: That’s crazy. Our church has spent years in a theater and years in a school. And if you’re trying to reach lost people a theater is a better option hands down. Why? Because lost people hang out in movie theaters, they like theaters, they go to theaters. If you meet in one, you are going to them, meeting on their territory. That’s a very good thing. On the other hand, who graduates from High School and thinks, “I hope somehow I get a chance to go back. I just loved going to school so much, I can’t imagine not getting to hang out in a school building again”? Sure, there are some challenges meeting in a movie theater, but they’re not nearly as significant as the challenge of meeting in a school, which is that lost people don’t want to go there. So that’s it. I'm going to add another two posts that show pictures from our practice service in the bar. If you've got a minute, pray for the service we're having in the bar tonight. It's our first "official" service there. See ya next time.
Monday, October 01, 2007
When it rains...
Wow, the last two weeks have been absolutely crazy! Three weeks ago my youngest son had a slight fever which I chalked up to teething and sort of ignored it. He then threw up a few times which I also took lightly because he sometimes throws up if he cries too hard or has too much drainage in his throat. His eyes then began to have mucus coming out of them which I thought was just a cold in his eyes and still didn't get stressed out. (Can you tell I'm a very laid back person?) Well, after 4 days of a fluctuating fever that kept getting higher, and his eyes getting yuckier, we took him to the doctor on a Sunday morning. They said he had a double ear infection and pink eye. We then drug him around all day at a the Magnificent Mile road race only for him to break out in a strep type rash that evening. We didn't go back to the doctor to confirm it because he was already on antibiotics, but...
...needless to say there were lots of germs in our house that had been able to incubate for a few days, and therefore... two of my kids got strep, all of them got some other weird virus that was going around that had the high fevers later in the day and at night, and all the kids at some point threw up for a couple of days and nights and got pink eye... I got the weird virus, a horrible case of pink eye that looked like a disease and took a week to get over, and then got dehydrated which took me a week to recover from. I am the last straggler from all these viruses, and I have just began to feel normal again today.
Boy I'm glad God is in control because I lost what little control I had over my crazy household. So how are things out there in the blogging world? I feel like I've had a nice sabbatical. My husband and I both spent this last month really seeking God, and it was strange how God took our desire out and way from the blogging world... but we are now back and understand the importance of utilizing technology to reach a lost and dying world. I have still been keeping up with my "blogging friends"...and I am so blessed to have you guys in my life...