Friday, August 04, 2006

Today is my birthday and just wanted to introduce you to my son Levi. Levi is an amazing kid. He is only 5 and yet he has the ability to see what is important to people and respond to them at just the right time. He is very considerate and polite and never wants to see someone hurting. He also has this incredible mind that reads people very well. I had to laugh today when he(knowing that you put your favorite thing on your birthday cake) said, "mommy we need to put the Olympics or Fox News on your birthday cake.

I guess when you watch the Olympics literally 24 hours a day for 2 weeks it leaves an impression on your children. We even have a DVR so you can record everything, pause it anytime, and never miss an event. We were two days behind most of the time... but I didn't miss anything. My children would get where if I had to leave the room for anything they would pause the TV for me.

Of course maybe it's because even at 39 I still have this crazy dream of making an Olympic Team and when their mom gets up at 6 in the morning to run, or when they are strapped in a baby jogger at 2 in the afternoon with 100 degree heat index maybe they pick up on Mom's crazy psychosis.

And well Fox News... what can I say...I'm a junkie. So there you have it. That is who I am in a nut shell. Isn't it nice to know someone in your family really gets you, even if it isn't your husband. :-)


Enjoying Life Together said...

Happy belated birthday, Gina! My birthday is this Thursday and I'm just one year behind you:) Friday I'm flying to Texas with all four children WITHOUT my husband! Hope you don't see us on the evening news!! Have a happy week!

Teri said...

Happy 50th, Gina!! I'm so impressed that you still run at your age. :-) I remembered you all day on 8/4, wanted to call you out of the blue, and even dug around at my Mom's house for your contact info. Instead, I found this nice little update letter from you in my mailbox when we got back home, complete with your blog address.
I wish we could've gone to KC when you were there. It's been a crazy summer! I also have a blog:

Maybe I can keep watch on you better now, especially since you're at the countdown! Wow.
