Saturday, July 28, 2007

Steeple Barriers, Beans, and Ramps

Check out my sweet husband's blog. A couple of nights ago he built me a steeple barrier in our backyard (I'll explain more in a blog this week), made dinner, and built the boys a bike ramp.
He was so proud of his achievements. I was very impressed.


Jane said...

if you tell me you can run up to that thing, land on it, then jump down... I'm gonna puke! First I blew both my knees out skiing years ago. Secondly I am very uncoordinated. Thirdly, I am not over weight and get tired just looking at your pics!!!

Paul & Angela Jenkins said...

Okay I was going to leave you a message to check my blog but I'm now officially intimidated. I don't think my little health achievements hold a candle to you. You go girl and maybe one day I'll join you or maybe not. haha

Paul & Angela Jenkins said...

I saw your husband's site. What's the US Masters Championship?