Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day Dad! You are my Hero!

I am not sure I can say enough about my dad. If he reads this I think he would be shocked... but it's all those things that you don't say, but should... and I don't have enough time or space, but I just want to introduce you to him.

I am so proud of my father. He has influenced my life in ways he will never know. I'm sure many people come to the end of their life and wished they had done things differently at times, but he has 4 children all deeply in love with Christ and serving the Lord... And as a believer, to get to live and witness that is about as great a heritage as anyone could ask for. He was the first one in his family to become a Christian. His family was very poor, and even had some skeletons in the closet that can get strongholds on a family. But he and his siblings broke the cycle. His parents and even his father who had been an alcoholic, eventually accepted Christ and never looked back. And is I am correct, everyone of the grandkids from his parents, are walking with Christ and many very involved in ministry and Bible studies today.

My father was introduced to church as a child through a bus ministry and eventually made a profession of faith and answered the call to ministry. At the age of 18 he boarded a train from Clovis, California, with one trunk holding all his worldly possessions, and headed for Oklahoma to Bible College to become a preacher. He is the only one in his family that left California to follow the calling God made on His life, and for that I honor him.

He then went into music ministry, and led many church choirs, taught music at two Bible Colleges, and eventually pastored a number of churches. His love is music and even has a masters in voice, but his heart is lost souls. He is an amazing pastor and teacher. I sat under his preaching most of my childhood, and therefore feel very discipled by him. I still think of illustrations and sermons that sunk deep into my heart and I forever pull them up in tough situations.

One interesting story in particular, though, that has made one of the deepest imprints on my life to this day, was when we were coming home from visiting our family in California. It was Sunday morning, and even though we were traveling we did not miss church. So we were somewhere in the desert of New Mexico (and I mean desert) around 10:30am we got off on an exit and proceeded to find a church. I'm not sure how we found it because I'm not even sure there was a gas station, but we did find a church, and went in and sat at the back as it had already started.

Now we're talking middle of nowhere in the desert of New Mexico, and there were probably not 10 people in the small church building. Now to say the piano player was horrible was an understatement, and they were struggling through a hymn as we tried to sneak on the back pew. At the end of that song the person attempting to play the piano said their piano player was out of town and that she had prayed that God would send someone so that she would not have to play that morning.

Now I don't think I mentioned that my father was an amazing pianist. He is the kind of person who can sit down at the piano and play almost anything by ear, or with music, and also add all the fancy stuff. Therefore, my siblings and I started kind of looking at my dad wondering if he was going to say anything. Well, he sat there and let this poor lady struggle through one more song where she stopped a couple of times when she lost her place, or just couldn't find the right note, and would mentioned every time that she just knew God was going to send her a piano player that morning. Well, my father eventually raised his hand slightly and said, "I play the piano," and went up and helped lead us all into the presence of an amazing God.

Now don't stop reading because the story gets better. When the music was all done, a man walked up to the podium and turned to my father and said, "You wouldn't happen to be a preacher because our pastor is also out of town"... So my father sort of laughed and said, "Well actually I am the pastor," and ended up preaching the sermon that morning also. Amazingly, earlier that morning he had asked my mother to drive so that he could have a quiet time in the back of the van, where he just happened to go over a sermon he had preached before. I still stand amazed when I think about it.

It still brings tears to my eyes when I think of that story. God cared so much about that lady and her simple request that He used a family from Missouri on vacation in California, as the answer to her prayer. A simple family with parents who thought it was important to find a place to worship on Sunday mornings. We were the answer... that just blows me away. God used my parents who were just trying to be faithful to what they knew.

It convicts me to my core about why I don't pray in any and every situation, and why I put so much on myself to do things sometimes when God is just saying, "Come to me Gina because I really do care about the small things"... And just in typing this, God has impressed upon me that maybe if I would be faithful to the convictions He has put on my heart up to this point in my life I could be the answer to someone's prayer over and over and over again."

Thank you dad for being such an awesome example for me to follow. It's even in the small things you do now like staying faithful in a church and really getting involved no matter what life throws at you. I love you and can only hope to leave a legacy to my children as you have given to yours.


Anonymous said...

Great post! I love the story of your father playing the piano and preaching at a little church in New Mexico. God IS so faithful, isn't He? I'm praying for you guys! Oh, and I like your header pic. Very cute!

Three Seventeen Photography said...

Wow - great story! We certainly are a lucky family and I know that Ted is very proud of you too!