Thursday, June 26, 2008

Let's have a Party!!

Let's have a party!!... No we have not sold our house yet, but I always love it after someone comes to "see" our house, because it is so clean it feels like a hotel, and I always feel like I need to invite a bunch of friends over and have a big party. I felt like I had run a marathon after cleaning and painting and staining (the deck) and planting and mowing, all while keeping all my kids occupied. But since Ken had been sick, I hadn't told you guys that part, I did it all!!... and I accomplished my goal. I felt like I needed to take a victory lap... actually I think I did, around the house.

It's sad that you go to that much effort and stress for a 15 minute visit. So if any of you are in the neighborhood, please stop in. It probably won't look like this for long... at least until the next family comes to look at our house. :-)

We have had some interested people, one family in particular, maybe not the ones who came yesterday, but I continue to feel confident that God has the people chosen already, it is just not His timing yet. Thanks for praying.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Still lifting you guys up in prayer and agreeing with you, knowing that God has a chosen the new owners of your home!!

Enjoy your clean house!!