Monday, October 01, 2007

When it rains... sometimes starts out like a mist... and then turns into a torrential downpour. :-)

Wow, the last two weeks have been absolutely crazy! Three weeks ago my youngest son had a slight fever which I chalked up to teething and sort of ignored it. He then threw up a few times which I also took lightly because he sometimes throws up if he cries too hard or has too much drainage in his throat. His eyes then began to have mucus coming out of them which I thought was just a cold in his eyes and still didn't get stressed out. (Can you tell I'm a very laid back person?) Well, after 4 days of a fluctuating fever that kept getting higher, and his eyes getting yuckier, we took him to the doctor on a Sunday morning. They said he had a double ear infection and pink eye. We then drug him around all day at a the Magnificent Mile road race only for him to break out in a strep type rash that evening. We didn't go back to the doctor to confirm it because he was already on antibiotics, but...

...needless to say there were lots of germs in our house that had been able to incubate for a few days, and therefore... two of my kids got strep, all of them got some other weird virus that was going around that had the high fevers later in the day and at night, and all the kids at some point threw up for a couple of days and nights and got pink eye... I got the weird virus, a horrible case of pink eye that looked like a disease and took a week to get over, and then got dehydrated which took me a week to recover from. I am the last straggler from all these viruses, and I have just began to feel normal again today.

Boy I'm glad God is in control because I lost what little control I had over my crazy household. So how are things out there in the blogging world? I feel like I've had a nice sabbatical. My husband and I both spent this last month really seeking God, and it was strange how God took our desire out and way from the blogging world... but we are now back and understand the importance of utilizing technology to reach a lost and dying world. I have still been keeping up with my "blogging friends"...and I am so blessed to have you guys in my life...


Jane said...

I was gonna tell you to come join me on my deck...but not with those germs! lol!

Seriously... if you guys ever want to come down to can stay with us.

We flip between morning and evening services (depending on Jack's work schedule) Makes it nice that all four are the same message. The last one, at 6:45 has more music... love the extra praise time!

Jean Ohlerking said...

Oh, i'm so sorry you didn't get the memo (it's supposed to come with the birth of first child): Moms aren't supposed to get sick.
(They simply don't have time.)
Glad things are getting better!