Sunday, January 06, 2008

What and amazing love...

I haven't had time to post much, but I want to send out a short update. Please continue to pray for Tricia and her family as time I'm sure is moving so slow through this ordeal. The doctors have a target date of January 18 which will be 26 weeks for the baby which would give her a much higher rate of survival. Tricia is hanging in there but her heart rate was high tonight. Please pray for this family (Husband Nate, parents, extended family, and friends). This must be excruciating to watch her go through this... but what a perfect example of what God went through when he sat and watched his Son (Jesus) be tortured and beaten and hung on a cross all by choice so that we could live. How God must have wanted to end it, but didn't...

All Tricia & Nate had to do was to say, "Let's end this pregnancy," and she would be at home right now enjoying life and waiting for her double lung transplant. Now Nate and Family are watching her fall further and further into medical trouble for the life of a child they have yet to see face to face... but we know how the story ends in the Bible. So maybe just maybe God will choose to give Tricia back a new life after she has sacrificed so much for this child.

Thank you Father for loving us more than we will ever comprehend this side of heaven.


Jane said...

my heart and head won't let them out of my's after 2 am and I can't get to sleep. Perry also shared a prayer request tonight that caught my heart....amazing how my hyper personality loves in hyper mode too!

Jane said...

new post over at Nate's blog.

They will be delivering via c-section either Monday afternoon or Tuesday am.

Let us all pray.