Saturday, June 30, 2007
Thomas & Nikki - June 30, 2007
When my brother was in college God spared his life in a car accident. After hitting a car head on on the drivers side, he was cut out of his car and life flighted to Duke, one of the best hospitals in the U.S. He should have probably died or lost his left leg, but there just happened to be a doctor there that specialized with this type of injury. After may surgeries, Thomas was brought back to almost 100% health.
After this accident he sort of wandered when it came to life and ambition. He always had great friends that stuck by his side for many years and my brother and his friends taught me alot about friendship. After 911 my brother joined the army and, knowing my brother, I thought this is going to be the biggest mistake of his life. Didn't he realize that you have to get up before noon, and you can't just quit if you wake up one morning and didn't want to do this anymore.
Surprisingly the army was the best thing that ever happened to him. He thrived in the army moving up rank very quickly with all of his superiors loving him. He chose air defense as his specialty area, which I thought, "Doesn't he realize this means shooting at the enemy, and to do this you have to be near the enemy, which means risk of being killed..." He then got a cush job driving around a Sgt. Major in Korea, where he would drive his superior somewhere, and then sit around and socialize with whoever was around or read a book. I thought, "Way to go Thomas! You're the only one I know who can take a serious dangerous kind of job and make it into a fun social time. (Have I ever told you my brother and I are alot alike) :-)
He also survived a year in Iraq (praise the Lord!), came home, struggled to find himself (which I hear alot of people in combat zones do), seem to come back to earth, started dating a girl, she broke his heart (which I thought, "oh, no here we go again.") and then a week later he met Nikki... It's amazing how God was so perfect in his timing.
Nikki is alot like me, except for the type A personality. She does the job at a highschool that I use to do working with kids with minor learning disabilities, and we are just good friends. In my family growing up, all the women love to shop, and well I would rather watch football on Saturdays, or go on a long run, or hang out with friends, or just be outside. Therefore the women in the family just don't get me...but Nikki does. We just suit each other and she loves on my kids, something my kids don't get much of in my family being the last grandchildren.
She is so perfect and it really shows who God is when you have prayed for someone so long and you finally see the perfect answer to so many years of prayers.
Congratuations Thomas & Nikki!! I love you both and am so excited for you!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Buzz Conference '07
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
How To Hug Tony Morgan?
This is a hysterical post by Tim Steven's (where I got the "man hug" video).
This is a dilemma for me. In a few days, I'll see Tony Morgan for the first time since January. We'll be together at the Buzz Conference, and I'm starting to think about how I should greet him when I first see him.
Tony and I worked together for 8 years, wrote 3 books together, spoke live to more than 5,000 church leaders in 41 different workshops, traveled thousands of miles and sat in numerous hotel hot tubs together. So with the long-standing history that we have, what is appropriate?
Now I wouldn't normally think about it, but Tony has been clear about his aversion to hugging. In fact, I just did a quick search, and he has talked about hugging 10 different times on his blog--mostly about how he doesn't like it. In fact, he had a whole post about it called Don't Touch My Skin!
I'm trying to decide between a few different approaches when I see Tony on Wednesday evening...
- No hug...just an aggressive handshake. I'm really leaning away from this approach. I think our history suggests something more than a handshake. After all, I know whether he wears boxers or briefs. And yes, he knows the same about me.
- Sideways manly hug. If he has to hug, Tony has made it clear that he prefers this style. But surely that is for the volunteer he passes in the hall or the acquaintance he hasn't seen in awhile. Not for his long-time friend and cohort.
- Full frontal, two-armed hug. My aversion to hugging isn't as strong as Tony's, but I do have my standards. We won't be doing this one.
- Combined handshake with hug. You've seen this one. It's where you shake with your right hands and hug with your left, leaving your shaking hands squeezed between you so as not to get too close with your bodies. Then you give a manly pat on the back with the left hand a couple of times, then release. This one has some possibilities.
Monday, June 25, 2007
How To Give A Perfect Man Hug
The Remnants of Harvest
Now, if you don't know this already, North Carolina is (I think) the belt buckle of the Bible belt... and I wondered how many non-Christians would actually attend this type of event. I am still not sure, but what we do know is that over 2,400 people made some type of decision for Christ at this event. Maybe it was a rededication, maybe it was a person who grew up in the church or who actually attended a church but realized they had never made a public profession of faith, or maybe it was truly an unchurched person who came with a friend who heard about Christ for the first time and how He wants to give meaning to their life.
I don't know, and in many ways we will never know, but I think what this event did do was it brought momentum and excitement to the already believers in the triangle area. I believe that it reminded many people that they are not alone... that there is a big world out there with singers and speakers who came from bad beginnings who God has blessed outrageously because they gave their life and talents to Christ. I believe there were many Christians who were rocking along who needed something like this to remind them of what a big God they serve and that He wants to do big things in their life. I believe God came to the Bible belt because he cares about the struggling believers who go through the motions and want to believe God is more than just ritual, but just have gotten lost in the traditions of church.
My husband and I want to go where there is no "living" church, where .5% claim to be evangelical believers, where 80% have never touched a Bible, where there are more spiritist healers than lawyers, doctors, and priests combined. We want to go to France and let people see for the first time how outrageously awesome and fun our God is and how He wants to radically change their life and country. But I love how God always reminds me that He loves everybody, even the ones who know him, who have 15 Bibles in their house, who were raised in church and have heard the gospel a million times, who have turned from God even when he has blessed them outrageously... but need to be reminded of His power and love again. Our God is just like that.
You can read more about the crusade from the Harvest Crusades official blog.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Harvest Crusade & Toby Mac!
And after I finished my small tirade, my husband said, "Go get ready and go. I want you to go." So I took my 5 minutes to dress myself and two of my kids (boys 6 & 4) and ran out the door with meatloaf in a tupperware container to eat with our hands, 1 bottle of water to share, and sped across town taking 30 minutes to take a 40 minute drive... parked in "Egypt", sprinted with my 4 year old whining the whole time, "mommy I can't run that fast," got in the arena not knowing where in the world were in relation to the stage, ran up the stairs to the second level because the bottom section was closed, went to the first opening that they were still letting people in, and there were 3 perfect seats, just left of the stage, but out far enough where you weren't directly beside the stage. The view was perfect... and we had a large screen just to the left of us if the view wasn't close enough. I couldn't have picked out better seats for myself. God is so perfect!
It was an awesome evening, but I do have to say... it made me feel little old. Toby Mac was one of the bands, and I had no idea they were such a serious Christian rap/hip hop style band... It made me smile because I couldn't understand a thing they said and it looked alot like an MTV video without the vulgar moves. I thought to myself, I have officially become a mom, because I cannot relate to this stuff at all... but I say if it reaches the kids out there in the world that will never darken the door of a church or go anywhere to hear a Christian speaker until they think, "wow, someone like me became a Christian... someone who likes my style of Music loves Jesus... someone who looks like me has found purpose and meaning to their life through Christ..." then I say Praise the Lord someone can reach them. So I raised my hands in the air and "hiphopped" with the best of them thinking, I better get to like this stuff because my kids are going to be blaring something like this someday...
So anyway, one night left! Tonight- Sunday June 24 at 6pm at the RBC Center! If you can't go, check it out online at Invite some non-Christian friends over make dessert and watch it with them. The music tonight is by "Third Day" (a little closer to my generation) and a couple of other groups. We will be watching online, as we get our kids ready for bed, and praying for God to do a great work in the lives of those who are there or are watching online, and praying for the day God will do something like this in France.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Harvest Crusade 2nd night! Don't miss it!!
Friday, June 22, 2007
Harvest Crusade June 22-24!! Don't miss it!!
If you live in the area, it's not something you want to miss. If you live out of the area I just found out it will be live Webcast and you can catch it at at 7pm. Don't miss it!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Fete de la Musique
The annual Fête de la Musique takes place on June 21, giving people the chance to dance long into the night.
Towns and villages play host to musicians and artists offering everything from classical favourites to new and original music.
On the Fête de la Musique website you can track down a wide selection of different events taking place across the country.
The Fête de la Musique started in 1982 and has gone on to feature in many other countries including Germany, Ireland as well as the UK.
("A Long Day of Summer Music", This French Life)
Wouldn't this be a great idea for up and growing new Catalyst churches all over France to use their own church bands, or for us to help bring over bands from churches all over the U.S. to get into the marketplace and let people get a taste of this new kind of church in their country. To use this activity as a catalyst to introduce the church to those who think church is boring and irrelevant. So do you go to a church with a rock'in band? ... Pick a town or village and come join us!! (Especially if you can understand anything on the "Fete de la Musique" webisite... it's only in French :-)
New "Catalyst France" Website!
Seeing him do this reminded me of a devotion my sister, Martha Fry (pastors wife of C3 church - our church), gave at one of our praise team practices. In Exodus 35:30- 36:2 it says,
"Then Moses said to the Israelites. "See the Lord has chosen Bezalel... and he has filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability and knowledge in all kinds of crafts - to make artistic designs ... And he has given both him and Oholiab ... the ability to teach others. He has filled them with skill and ability to do all kinds of work as craftsmen, designers ... The Lord has given skill and ability to know how to carry out all the work of constructing the Sanctuary... Then Moses summoned every skilled person to whom the Lord had given ability and who was willing to come and do the work."
This has been so exciting and apparent in how God is working in Ken and I. If you know us, I am an athlete/Social Worker personality, and my husband is a visionary leader/computer genius (okay, geek - but he's a goodlooking geek) ... notice I didn't say anything about being creative or artistic, yet God has called us to use the arts and creative technology in reaching a generation where it will take this type of ministry to reach them. It is so apparent in the things God is putting in Ken's heart to create and design that it is from God, because I have never seen my husband do these types of things. It is so exciting to know that if we are willing God can fill us with whatever it takes to do what He has called us to do.
We are also excited to share that "Catalyst France" will be incorporated by July, so we will be an official organization and be able to begin receiving support through this organization. God is moving fast and it is exciting. We have even had another person, on staff at Life Church in OKC, a church we greatly admire, email us to get more information on what we are doing & interested in going with us.
Our God is so awesome, and I am so honored to be a part of this ministry God has birthed designed and is preparing for us to do.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Pray For Baby Isaac
Well, today baby Isaac had to go back into the hospital. Nothing serious (at least not yet) but any infection or sickness could be potentially life threatening with a baby who is fighting so many more odds. You can read more about him on baby Isaac's blog.
So when you tuck your kids in tonight say a prayer for Isaac... and when you lay down in you own comfortable bed, pray for Jordan & Patience. I'm sure it is hard on them to have to go back to the hospital and Ronald McDonald House after being home only a week. I'm sure it makes them catch their breath when Isaac's weak little body catches something and cannot fight it off and is sent back to the hospital for further testing and treatment. But I am sure they are thanking God for that week at home, and are relying on His strength to carry them through this hopefully small valley.
Long Lunches And Kisses Affecting France Economy
Two hour lunches and kissing hello is as French as the Eiffel Tower, but if the new President has his way they could be under threat.
The long lunch hour is characteristic of the French culture and from Paris to the smallest village you will find hungry workers taking their well earned lunch break.
President Sarkozy is faced with unemployment of around eight percent and an economy growing at around two percent; an issue of whether France can maintain its lifestyle and be competitive.
Opinion says that France is going downhill and that if there is no change France could find itself struggling to compete in the world of productivity and Sarkozy has promised to tackle this problem. He is considering reforms to restore the value of hard work, making a 35 hour week a minimum rather than a maximum requirement, thereby allowing people to work more by making it possible for people who work overtime to be paid for it. It is a matter of changing the French mentality regarding work ethics.
It is a joke in the world of productivity that the French waste time with meetings and the tradition of the ritual morning greeting of kissing everyone on the cheek, twice. The normal holiday allocation is 48 days off plus the many national holidays. With so many holidays it makes working life extremely pressurised.
Workers in other countries may envy the holidays and benefits of French workers, but in a recent study French workers are found to be discontented and ‘the world’s biggest whiners.’ But, it is not that the French dislike work, in fact they value hard work highly.
A spokesperson from CFDT, one of France’s largest unions, feels the French worker is highly maligned and what is needed is more people to increase production and help pay the pensions of an increasingly ageing population.
Mr Sarkozy’s plans to change France’s view of working practice have struck a chord with the people who voted him into office and his popularity has surged to 65%; the highest for a president at this early stage in office since General de Gaulle.
Changes cannot be made overnight and people’s working habits will not change quickly
It just goes to show that lots of perks and always getting what you think you want does not always make you happy.
Monday, June 18, 2007
The Father's Day Gift


Yesterday (Monday) after spending money on a "Paris" coffee mug and a cool (and much needed) pair of shorts for my hubby, my 6 year old Levi walked in his dad's office Monday morning with a bag and handed it to him. Now let me preface this with what happened at church on Sunday. Ministry leaders at our church had handed out a few Starbucks cards to those who had helped in a number of different ways serving on Sunday. Because of this Ken joked around about wanting to help and ended up later on helping take down a tent. He didn't do it to get a card, but they gave him one anyways. Ken made a big deal about it in the car but didn't say anything else about it.
Earlier (before my son gave my husband this bag) all the kids were playing but Levi was nowhere to be found. I called up the stairs and he quietly came and stood at the top of the stairs looking like he was up to something. I asked him what he was doing, and he said, "just playing." Well, since he wasn't hurting or pestering anybody and nobody was crying or whining, I just left him alone to play quietly (a treasured phenomenon in our house)
So now to the bag my son gave to Daddy. He handed it to him and said, "Happy Father's Day." Ken opened the little cotten bag (not a gift bag) and there was a Starbucks card wrapped in tissue paper. Concerned that he might have taken it from the church, (well because kids do that sometimes... at least ours do), Ken asked him where he got it, and he said, "At Starbucks."
Ken & I both had a good laugh about it (not in front of him) because he often picks up the cool looking cards at Wal-mart or Starbucks that you have to put money on for it to be worth anything. I also cried because it was one of the most precious things I had ever witnessed, and I didn't know kids could be so creative and giving at such a young age. He gave one of his most precious possessions (this blank Starbucks card), because he thought it was worth something and kept it in a special place somewhere in his room.
He had to think through the process of wanting to give something to his Dad, go to this special"place", take it out, find tissue paper and a play bag, and without being prideful and showing off, he quietly took this to his dad by himself. I cry even now just thinking how precious that was... so why did I waste money on a coffee cup and jeans?
Paul Potts, "Britain's Got Talent" Semi-finals
If you do not know who Paul Potts is you will soon. He is a car phone salesman in Britain who decided to take a chance and go on a T.V. talent show to see what he could do. He gave an original performance that left the world speechless. He touched the world with a gift nobody knew he had. I'm not even sure he knew what an amazing gift he possessed. It reminds me of God when I watch this video. It reminds me that He is the God at making something phenomenal from nothing.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Common Paris Advertisement
It may be a little shocking at first, but... that's why we are going... France needs Jesus.
My 100th Blog!!
I also want to say, "I love my "blogging buddies!" (and you know who you are) and hope there are many more years of blogging with you. I also think we will need to have a reunion in France once we get there. We'll think of some reason to celebrate. :-) Love to you all!!
Baby Isaac's At Home!!!!
It is a story that could be straight from scripture on the healing miracles God chose to do in this child's life and the strength and witness of these young parents through this whole ordeal. It has changed my spiritual life and walk with the Lord. I will never see God the same again...
And as Ken and I have walked through a new door in our lives, the things I have learned have taken me to a new level in walking by faith and trusting in a trustworthy God.
Thank you Patience and Jordan for sharing your story with us!
Dan Ohlerking & Brad Pitt
I actually just added him to my permanent blog list. (Sorry Dan, I thought you were on there since I regularly read your blog). You should check out his blog. It is a fun mixture of ministry, missions, personal life, and spiritual insight. Thanks Dan!!
Might I also add we both lived in Springfield, Mo. the same time Brad Pitt was in high school. I didn't know Dan, but I did know Brad Pitt... and that's a whole 'nother blog. :-)
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Ruth Graham 1920-2007
MONTREAT, N.C. — Ruth Graham, who surrendered dreams of missionary work in Tibet to marry a suitor who became the world's most renowned evangelist, died Thursday. She was 87.
The wife of Billy Graham died at 5:05 p.m. at her home at Little Piney Cove, surrounded by her husband and all five of their children, said a statement released by family spokesman Larry Ross.
My husband and I caught part of a special about her and ... wow... Once again I could only hope to be such a Godly wife and mother. She was not perfect, and she was strong-willed (I love that part) and she was the strength behind a man that changed the world. She even helped him write his sermons... and who says women can't preach?
Once again I look at my life and wonder what the world will say about me. Will they say she loved life, she loved her family, she loved her God, she wanted everyone to know her God, and she made everyone's life around her better? ... I hope someday they can say that.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
From cell phone salesman to Opera Prince
Remember how I talked about believing in the "little guy"...
If you want to be inspired...
If you want to believe that fairytales still happen...
If you want to believe that God gave each of us a gift and when we figure out what it is no matter how big or small it is the beauty of our creator shining through... watch this video...
My hubby had this on his blog today and when I finally had a chance to sit down and watch it... I cried... and watched it at least 20 more times and cried every time... and then I wanted to know know to reach this guy so we could bring him to France for a special production at our church and then share the gospel with him and watch him rock Europe for Christ! For those of you who want to know what we want to do for the rest of our lives... it is reach Europeans and show them how awesome God is and how awesome church and the body of Christ can be, and then watch them live out their dreams and change Europe... because Europe is dying in depression... and they don't know who they are in Christ... and they don't know that God wants to give them abundant life beyond what they can imagine.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Are You Changing The World?
This is a post from the Rehmeyers in Swaziland who work with aids orphans and vulnerable children with a ministry called Children's Cup.
You may remember reading way back about a young girl we met at Madonsa. She looked to be about 10 or 11 and was very sick. When we found out she was the same age as our oldest daughter Gabby, we were shocked. She was slowly dieing from AIDS. Maybe she was born with it, maybe contracted it somewhere through childhood. She had been out of school for years: a combination of being too weak and sick to go and a mom who couldn't make enough money selling vegetables to afford the school fees, uniform or even transport to get her there. She was one of the first kids that Children's Cup was able to help get treated for AIDS by providing emotional support and transport to the Baylor's Clinic in Mbabane. The turn around has been dramatic. She smiles now and looks so much healthier. Teresa and I decided to sponsor her anonymously this year and paid her school and uniform fees through the 'Cup teacher at Madonsa. We received a letter from both her and her mom last week. Her letter reads
"..... In the name of our father Jesus Christ I thank you for sending me to school. You gave me hope in life, without your intervention in my life I think I would have been dead. Thank you very much for taking care of me by sending me to the doctor now I can feel the difference in my life. May God bless you. Never get tired of helping other sick children."
She is in third grade. Her grades are fair (20th in the class of 57). But you know what? I really don't care how she does. She has purpose and worth. Looking at her now vs. last year makes it all worth it. It's your help above and beyond that allows us to step out and do a little extra. So the last line in her letter is really for everyone that supports us in prayer and finances: "I love you and I love God who sent you to my life. From Thobile Lukhele"
If you have never supported a missionary, I encourage you to find one today you can pray for and give financially to so they can go. If God has not called you to "go", then help change the world through supporting someone whom God has "called". I have always had a huge burden for the lost and hurting and starving around the world. I have supported many missionaries and ministries, some only at $10 a month when I had nothing. I even did it when I only made $1500 in a whole year (long story - it was a ministry thing), but God always provided above what I gave.
Read more about the ministry of Children's Cup and consider supporting one of their missionaries. If you have a heart for another part of the world, seek a missionary out in that part of the world. If you can't find one contact me and I'll help you find one. If you have a heart for Europe consider Catalyst France or many others I could contact you with. Whatever you do find out what an awesome adventure it is to support a missionary in some way. When you get to heaven you never know who might come up to you and say, "Thank you for giving to that ministry. I would never have heard about Jesus if you hadn't."
Rent Out Your Gite During World Cup Rugby
Well, if you are come visit us this fall. This French Life, a travel and living site for France, and a blog I really enjoy following, brought this up on it's latest post "Rent Out Your Gite During World Cup Rugby". It actually sounds like fun. People in France actually rent their houses out to those who are sports fans wanting to stay in a city to actively participate in the sport as a fan. I'm not sure if there are not enough hotels or if it's cheaper to do this, but it sounds like fun.
And if you do decide to come, and we are set up in our house, you can stay with us rent free :-) and maybe we'll even go watch a rugby event.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Are All Your Friends "Cool"?
Well, I praise God He believed in them before they were big. Sort of like Zacheus. Jesus passed by everybody and went to this wierdo who was sitting in a tree. Admit it, wouldn't you have thought he was strange. Not somebody you would have dinner with if you were important. And what about the woman who poured perfume on Jesus's feet and began washing his feet with her hair. Also not cool in public. What if some woman walked up to your pastor and did that. Don't you think she would be escorted out in a white jacket. Then there were all those nasty smelly uncivilized fishermen Jesus went and found and called them to lead the charge in reaching all mankind.
I see alot of "hobknobbing" of "cool" leaders nowadays, and a blowing off of those who they do not think are as "cool", or successful, or that they are not sure will be successful. It's sad really.
I pray I never become like that. I pray I will always love and want to meet the "uncool", or the "not so beautiful", or the strange one nobody knows how to talk to. I pray I will always believe in those who need encouragement or who need a cheerleader to attempt to go after a dream. I pray I will love the unlovely and see the potential in people even when it is covered up by a lot of "junk" or a quirky facade. I know my Lord would.
Friday, June 08, 2007
Back to the Basics... In France
I found this great blog called "Back to the Basics" on Church Marketing Sucks and thought I would share it with you:
It's time to go back to the basics.
I don't know any non-Christian who wakes up and thinks, "Gee, I should go to church today." Churches need to find ways to make people think that very thought--whether it's through billboards or outreach events or the incredible example of their members (or all three and more--my point, don't get hung up on the method). If churches aren't getting people to think that, then what are they doing?
Unfortunately, too many churches have settled for the status quo, the steady stream of Christians who do wake up thinking they should go to church, and for some churches that's good enough. Those churches are social clubs, and useless. Sadly, many Christians are that way too.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Comments on "The Birth of Catalyst France"
May 26, 2007 7:51 PM
Anonymous said...
I am all about the teachings of Christ and religion but why did you decided to do this in France ? Did they ask you to ? It seems like the French have a great sense of religion and spirituality already . I know most of them are Catholics and I go there alot and have French friends so I am just curious to your choice .
June 2, 2007 10:59 AM
Deborah said...
Yes, may God Bless you, but I question the need for planting churches in, of all places, France. But, look, if it works out for you to get to live in one of the most beautiful cities in the world, then I applaud you for figuring out a way to do it. Especially if you are supported by the ministry financially! Brilliant! Also, I hope the children do well with the move, but since you are quite consumed by them, and who wouldn't be at their tender ages, I'm sure it will be just fine. But, please remember, Catholics do know Jesus Christ: he is the focus of the Church. Thanks.
My husband and I wanted to respond:
June 2, 2007 6:08 PM
Ken Witcher said...
Anonymous and Deborah,While it may seem like the French have a good sense of religion and spirituality and that many of them claim to be Catholics, the reality is that only about 6-8% of the population claim to attend any kind of church on a regular basis. France also ranks highest in a recent survey of people who never or almost never attend church.
We are not coming to France to reach the Catholics. We are coming to reach those who have no church experience and no desire to attend church as they perceive it. Most churches function in a historically cultural way that young people don't connect with. We plan to start a church that speaks the language of the younger (20-30s') generation and deals with the issues they are facing.
People are looking for answers and for meaning. We know that Jesus offers those, but we have failed to communicate in ways that new generations understand.We have shared this plan with young people we met on the streets in France and they were all very excited and wanted to attend.
June 7, 2007 7:32 AM
Gina Witcher / Runnermom4 said...
Anonymous & Daborah,I would hope to get to meet you someday and share more about why we chose France and why we believe, from going there and talking to French people and seeing the statistics of depression and the amount of antidepressants they take (it is the highest in the world) there is a desperation for something spiritual.
Also after talking with many French people and sharing that we wanted to plant a relevant exciting church, where you can wear flip flops and jeans, that shares how the Bible is relevant to their internal happiness and practical everyday issues, and feels more like a youth concert than church, every single one of them said, "I would go to a church like that", and some even gave us their emails to contact them when we return.
The "Dangers" of life in the 50's, 60's, & 70's
People over 25 should be dead. According to today’s regulators and bureaucrats, those of us who were kids in the 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, or even maybe the early 70’s probably shouldn’t have survived.
Our baby cribs were covered with bright colored lead-based paint.
Our moms put us on our tummies because that's what the doctors told them to do.
We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles, doors or cabinets.
We rode our bikes without helmets.
As children, we would ride in cars with no seat belts or air bags... in the front seat on the arm rest.
Riding in the back of a pickup truck on a warm day was always a special treat. My sister, Martha, and I rode in the back of a pick up from Nashville to Raleigh and loved it. My uncle would have been arrested for that.
We rode on the wheel hump in the back, and on the gate of the pickup truck with our legs dangling off.
We would leave home in the morning and play all day, as long as we were back when the streetlights came on. We also played in the middle of the street.
We (teenagers and moms) travelled with no cell phones (what no cell phones!!!) at night, in run down cars, low on gas, down dirt raods in the middle of nowhere.
We hitch hiked and picked up hitch hikers.
We played dodge ball, and sometimes, the ball would really hurt.
We fell out of trees, got cut and broke bones and teeth, and there were no lawsuits from these accidents.
We played on playgrounds made of wood where there was cement under the monkey bars.
There are so many more things I'm sure you can remember as a child that would be unheard of now. Perry Noble has many more "dangerous things" on his blog, so go there to read more... and feel free to add to my list. I thought this was really funny and I'm sure you have some great ones also.
I Am So Blessed!!
If any of you have been following the baby Isaac or the Dax blog God is doing some amazing things in both these children's lives. Baby Isaac was at the brink of death 3 times, and Dax who is older and understands more of what is going on in his life has had some very scary times as a 3 year old, but is now stabilized and is waiting for a liver.
Whenever I think my day is bad or my situation is overwhelming or stressful... Whenever I am at the end of my rope with my kids and I am not being very Christlike... Whenever I think I am so exhausted I can't go on emotionally, mentally, and physically...
I think of these families and realize my day is really not that bad; that a messy house and uncontrollable laundry is not that big a deal; and lack of sleep, no rest, no time for myself will not kill me; even kids that run crazy, don't seem to hear anything I say, and disobey me in public is no reason to thow in the towel...
My God is an awesome God and I know he cares for me. God is in the business of caring for us all day every day. How often do we lay all our seemingly less important burdens at His feet to help us with. Do we think He's too busy with the major ones; death, starving kids in Africa, wayward children, the lost.... Scripture tells us He cares. Matt 6 says don't worry, seek God's kingdom. Psalm 37:4 says God cares about the desires of your heart. In Matthew 17 God says if you have the faith of a mustard seed you can move a mountain. In Philippians 4 it says not to be anxious about anything but through prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your requests to God. Further on in that passage Paul says (while sitting in an ancient times kind of jail cell), I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances...I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation... I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
So today I am thankful for 4 healthy kids, a house that is a cleaning challenge, laundry that overtakes my life, and unruly kids. It reminds me that I am human and that I need God. He has so much to give me when I think I am at the end of my rope, and help to offer in the practical things... If He can move a mountain, I don't think my issues are too much for Him.
Thank you Father for loving me, for dying for me, for giving me 4 healthy children, clothes that I don't pay for, a nice house with air conditioning, food on my table, for giving me many times over the desires of my heart, and a million more things I don't have time to put on this blog. I am so blessed!!
Monday, June 04, 2007
Technical Difficulties
My first laptop (an old one of Ken's which he called a dinasour) got water spilled on it by one of our beautiful children... imagine that. His next laptop which he gave to me when he got a new one died a couple of months ago, and it was pretty new. I then got demoted to the desktop. You'd think we had entered the stone age having to sit at a desk and not move while on the computer. Well, I am happy to say I have now killed the desktop. But that is not all... the printer when I tried to use it the last few times didn't work, and now is permanently not working. And the last piece of equipment I always like to talk about is my phone... it gets stuck on mute, and I have to throw it on the ground where it breaks apart (where the battery comes flying out) and put it back together for it to work.
So now you see why I am not allowed to touch technical equipment in our house. My husband, the computer genius, has not been able to figure either one of the computers out yet, and he can take them apart and put them together. I told Ken today Satan just wants us to be frustrated and not to be able to communicate with people because he knows what's going down in France.
So I just laugh knowing technical issues are no surprise to God and certainly not beyond his ability to fix when needed. Communication with people also cannot be thwarted by a few computer gliches. God has all that under his control also.
So go ahead Satan take your best shot. This is not our plan it is God's and it will not be thwarted. You are going down like Goliath in France and I can hardly wait to see it!
Friday, June 01, 2007
Travel to Europe
Anyway, just thought I would plant a seed in hopes many of you would come visit us. It is actually very cheap to fly to Europe in the "off-season" (fall, winter, and early spring). Even if you don't know us well, we welcome you... as long as you don't have an ongoing criminal record, or been let out of an institution within the last year or so. :-) If you are part of the body of Christ, you are our family and we'd love to introduce you to a culture who desperately needs Jesus. If you do not know what I am talking about when I say "body of Christ" and would like to know more, please email me.
We plan on being there for at least 5-6 years, so please pray about it and take us seriously. Who knows, maybe you'll come back to stay and work with us for a while and help us reach Europe in new, creative, and exciting ways.