Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !!
So I will continue to be still and discover who this God is that I have followed and served my whole life, yet don't really feel that I know.
On a more real note... in a couple of months I will be runnermom5 (of course I guess I already am the mother of 5 kids, one just still in the womb)... I don't think that has really sunken in yet, except for the fact that I am ready for this pregnancy to be over!!! No I do not have difficult pregnancies... in fact they are really very easy and simple compared to most people and my labor lasts about an hour. I don't even get that big... it's just another part of my selfishness God is trying to rid me of. I like being Gina the runner in my own skin... and I don't get to get out in the fresh air and find quiet sanity in my favorite hobby. I have also been out of the baby stage for a couple of years and am not sure I want to go back (Cealan will be almost 4 when this baby is born). God has such a sense of humor... and someone's getting a surgery after this!!!
Anyway, I don't think I had mentioned it is another boy!! Yes, Phelicia and I both cried. Oh well, I guess it's taken 5 kids, 4 being boys, for God to get my attention attempt to rid me of my self. I know the refining process is not over yet, but I am very excited about this next year. I believe God has some exciting stuff for our family, I just have no idea what. We are still in the process with the IMB (International Mission Board) ... but have given all that to God and His timing and purpose. We know where our hearts are and we know what our gifts are, and God has been working overtime on us this past year to prepare us... we just don't know for sure what that looks like yet. So continue to pray for us. There is a lost and dying world out there many who have never heard the gospel... we just want to be a part of reaching them.
I pray God blesses you in this new year and you find yourself unable to escape His refining fire in your life so that we all can reach the masses for Him.
In His love,
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Santa Clause is Coming to Town?
So to get on with the story, we decided to go to the mall as a family Friday night with Daddy. We joked around about wondering if the Christmas tree would be up yet... thinking that was preposterous... but little did we know not only was it up, but when we arrived, there were Christmas carolers outside singing Christmas songs, the snow machine blowing snow off of the building as it does every Christmas Season... And at 7pm Santa arrived and went to sit in his Santa chair as kids lined up to tell him what they wanted for Christmas and for their family to pay for expensive pictures. Now this is Nov, 7 mind you. 7 weeks before Christmas. We haven't even eaten all our Halloween candy yet.
So what did we do? Well since our kids had made Christmas lists, and Austin had even brought his, we got in line with all the other crazy parents, and went and saw Santa. The funny thing was that he didn't even ask them what they wanted for Christmas. He sort of lectured them on how to make a Christmas list and letting mom and dad help, and since we weren't taking a picture they just sort of stood around him (that's what they do to keep anyone from trying to sneak a photo from a distance with a telephoto lens without them knowing it). They didn't even sit on his lap (not that I really want them to :-) It was a very strange experience and Levi and Austin were a little sad because he did not ask them what they wanted for Christmas.
So, what an awesome opportunity to remind them what Christmas is really about!! Jesus would never put them off. He even died for them because he wants to hang out with them for all eternity, and will give them anything they want when they get to heaven... and much of what they want here on earth. :-)
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
God in the election and in our Dreams
So today what did we (the kids and I) do... we started playing Christmas music. We love Christmas around here and usually start celebrating it soon after Halloween. My son Austin asked election day if we could listen to Christmas music, so I found two satellite stations, and Christmas songs ring through our house most of the day.
For our exciting news... about a week and a half ago we entered back into the missions process with the IMB. No we have not sold our house yet, and we have not paid off all our debt, but God put someone in our life that has taken the burden from us (sound familiar - like what Christ did for us). This person has had all of our debt put in his name, and he said when our houses sell (the one we are living in and our rent house) they will pay off the debt that we have. So now, if all goes on the schedule as the IMB have given us, we will go to a week long interview either in December or January, get appointed a month later, and then will be scheduled to leave late spring or summer for Albertville, France for language school. It just seems too good to be true. Ken can hardly concentrate at work.
Ken and I have been a little wary of telling many people in case something didn't work out. Last month at the darkest point in our finances (Ken got a 10% pay cut, and his van and our rent house got broken into putting more expenses in our laps... and I could list about 10 more things)
God showed up with a light at the end of the tunnel. While we were wondering if we were truly going to have to claim bankruptcy God was preparing to take all our burdens away. It has made me think over and over about what God did for us on the Cross by taking our burdens away. It has made me trust him even more and has driven me to be even more passionate about spending time with him.
So if you are in a dark time and want to give up... please hold on to hope through the testimonies of others, because God will never let go of you and He will always show up... and often it's at the 11th hour.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Election Night '08 Barak Obama is the president of the United States!
I will now go worship my God and praise Him for what He is doing and is going to do... and then go eat a bowl of ice cream.
I will say this is a little bit of an exciting time in history electing the first African American president (well actually he is bi-racial, something Fox news reminded me of), something many of us never thought we would see in our lifetime.
Now is the time for us to pray for this president. God loves him and died for him and can move in his heart and ways to effect this country. No matter what happens I know my God is still on the throne. He is still faithful and will continue to take care of his own. Who knows, maybe this will be the greatest time in American history that people will come to know the if things get worse financially. Our ways are not God's ways...
And on that remark Ken and I have some exciting news, but because it is so late I will wax long on that later. But for now I am sooooooooooooo ready to get on with my life. The Olympics are over, the elections are over, and now it is time for me to get back to my life, AND GET SOME SLEEP!!
Election Night
So I thought I would ask the question after I find myself cleaning, cooking, not sitting down and relaxing for fear of thinking too much about the outcome. I have done all I can do in the physical and spiritual realm... and now I must wait on my God to determine the outcome... and I still believe He can pull off a David and Goliath.
David vs. Goliath was an easy victory because of who really had the power
Starting yesterday, I felt we as Christians need to continue to fight the battle in the spiritual realm for those who have not yet made up their decision and for those who maybe have, yet could be persuaded, that they would see the truth of the two candidates and the consequences for our future before they went into the voting booth.
We then need to praise God for who He is and what He can do. God has put such a passion in my heart for this election and that He wants to bring us victory, we just have to cry out to Him and seek Him and praise Him for who He is and that He put the stars in the sky, He can put someone who honors His name and protects His people in the White House. I believe this is our battle to lose, and I believe the battle is already won if we would not lose heart and keep going to the One who can fight the real battle going on in the spiritual realm.
Friday, October 31, 2008
I believe we will see God's power in the land of the living!
I pray you will make this commitment over these last few days of this election. I do believe this will be a historical election in one or two ways. We may see the first black president, or we will see the power of God over money, media, lies, deception, and man's ways to reveal His power especially when His people humble themselves and call on His name to do something they cannot do. We are powerless, but He is all-powerful. David beat Goliath, Gideon won a battle 135,000 to 300, and many more battles were fought in the old testament where the underdog won because God was on his side.
Jehosaphat in 2 Chronicles 20 cries out to God saying, "For we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you." God said to him, "Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the Battle is not yours, but God's... You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you...Do not be afraid; do not be discourages. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the lord will be with you."
Jehosaphat then, "appointed men to sing to the Lord and to praise him for the splendor of his holiness as they went out at the head of the army, saying, 'Give thanks to the Lord for his love endures forever.' As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the men of Minnon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated."
I believe this battle is already won if we as Christians will stay on our knees crying out to Him for our country; seeking forgiveness for ourselves and our countrymen and His people; and then begin to praise Him for what He can do and what He is going to do. I believe we are going to see his power like we have never seen before in the land of the living, and the world will know that it is God.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
www.goptrust.com !!!!
I have never given to a political campaign in my life but I did last night to www.goptrust.com. I confess thought, I love following politics, and this election has driven me to my knees. (Which is probably the truth in why I have not been blogging the past few months) First the Olympics, and now the election. I confess I have had to ban myself from watching Fox News all day long to see what the polls are doing or to see what October surprise God is going to bring up to answer the prayers of those of us who are continually in prayer for this election.
So, I ask that you join us in this fight. This is a spiritual battle and will only be won if the children of God will rise up and humble themselves and pray for freedom and truth, and that the eyes of our fellow Americans will be open to the reality of the candidates and the reality of our future on each candidate's watch!!!
Monday, September 29, 2008
The story of this church is really amazing, and the pastor an equally amazing person.
I came across this church on a bulletin webpage of the Raleigh Baptist Convention advertising a new church plant needing nursery items. The name was Revolution and I thought that was a very interesting name, and if their pastor reflected the name of the church, I and my husband would love to see what they are about. Well, I drove by their meeting place that week and met a couple painting the kids classrooms. Their building was very retro and I was very impressed with the look and the people that would be attracted to that.
My husband then called and talked with the pastor and we visited the next weekend. Oh, I forgot to mention they meet on Saturday night which I also thought was an interesting idea. They also have a graphics guy who is amazing. You can tell by the website. He is into doing everything top notch and does graphics for some well known organizations in the secular business world.
The exciting thing as I said in my last blog post is they are weak in the area that Ken and I (okay mostly Ken) are very strong in. Ken has been meeting with the leadership team the past few weeks and is going through basic beginning stages of church planting and helping them develop their leadership teams and home groups. He is helping them come up with the purpose and vision and mantra of their church (what they want to say over and over so that people take that away with them and into the marketplace), and asking them alot of questions that they never thought about the why and how to reach the people they are wanting to reach.
I am also helping with the development of greeting and first touch teams, and the women's ministry. They currently have a ministry that feeds the homeless, and we are beginning a number of outreach ministries in the area. Last week fed a local football team their Team Dinner the night before a big game, and that was so successful the coach has asked us to their pregame meal for their homecoming game this next weekend, and since they want it off campus asked if they could do it at our church. How amazing is that. We also last weekend served breakfast at a local biker rally in Raleigh, and our pastor spoke at the Sunday morning service on the streets in downtown Raleigh. Their were about 500 bikers at the Sunday morning event.
The vision and ideas of the pastor and the creative graphics guy are amazing, and God now has brought Ken and I along to help them implement their ideas, and organize the structure of how people get connected int the church once they came. It seems almost too good to be true. All my husband and I have ever wanted to do was full-time ministry... and even though we are not full-time yet, God is giving us the desire of our hearts right now in using our gifts and things we have learned for Him.
On another note, a family is coming from New York this Wednesday to look at our house. Ken and I would love to move closer into downtown Raleigh to be closer to our church and the people we are ministering to. We also need to lower our living expenses so we can pay off our debt which would move us closer to doing what we're doing now overseas.
God has been so amazing in our lives lately, we want to give him all the praise!!...
Thursday, September 18, 2008
God's grace, God's suprises, and God's timing
Things in our life seem very normal yet they definitely are not. We are having an opportunity right now to do here what we hope to do in France and/or Europe someday. I came across a not yet launched church plant where the pastor felt called to start this church in downtown Raleigh, yet confessed was struggling with how to do it. We began visiting this church and after a number of weeks Ken had an opportunity to meet with the pastor and he was dumbfounded at everything we were seeing and everything that really needed to take place before you could successfully launch a church. He invited Ken to come talk with their leadership team and he blew them away also with all the information we had learned over the past 3-4 years visiting churches all over the U.S. and going to some really great church conferences. The pastor then invited Ken to basically help them start from scratch with everything they now needed to do, even offering for Ken to lead a conference for their leadership team and/or their core group leading them up to a launch.
For the first time I really saw how God has put together and prepared us (okay prepared Ken) to do what God has put on our hearts to do in France. We want to help people plant successful growing churches in France and Europe relevant to the needs of the people they are reaching. I always kind of wondered what it would look like... and now I really believe we could hit the ground running. God has prepared and trained my husband in very specific ways that are just amazing when he puts his personality and gifts with it.
For an update, we are still "in process" with the IMB (Southern Baptist- Inernational Mission Board) and really have completed all the paperwork and now just have to sell our house and pay off some debt to be able to go through the indepth interviews and training. We have a couple coming next month from New York to look at our house and sound very interested... but anyone who has sold a house knows nothing is a given until the papers are signed... and I know my God knows about the financial crisis here is the U.S., so we are just praying for patience and to grow in those ways we still need to grow in and learn as we wait on Him. BUT PLEASE PRAY WITH US, because maybe God just want more people to pray for this wall to be torn down.
Okay, now for the next interesting news that has kept me from blogging for the past month (you might need to sit down if you know me very well) but... we are expecting our fifth child in late February... I draw a blank even as I write this. It has been something very challenging for me to get my mind around....or to even talk about. We had not done anything permanent to not have anymore children b/c we did not have insurance the past few years... and now that we do have insurance, I guess God just wanted to slip this in in case we were feeling like we were in control of our lives.
So there I said it... I will blog about this more, but for now I just wanted to say hello and I'm still not sure if I'm back regularly... but since we all need prayer warriors to pray with us and for us and sometimes when we don't know what else to pray... for the sake of lost and dying people in France and Europe pray with us God would remove these barriers and we would be able to get overseas and help those who are already there waiting for us and for those we will recruit to help us. I write this with love and prayers to all who read this and especially to those who have been on this journey so long with us.
Monday, September 01, 2008
Pray Pray Pray
Anyway, God is good and his plans are perfect. That is why even if these people do not buy the house, I will rejoice because His ways are perfect... and I do love our house... :-) and it is really clean!!!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
"Son of Hamas Leader Turns Back on Islam and Embraces Christianity"
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Bejing 2008 Olympics!!! ... and life
This year my sweet husband got cable for my birthday so that I could watch as much as you can possibly watch from thousands of miles away. Yes, I will say it does drive us all crazy to have the TV on that much, but it is only two weeks, and it is almost like a vacation for me; the vacation we can't really afford to take this year.
Speaking of that, please continue to pray for the selling of our house. We have been finished with most of the process with the IMB (Southern Baptist Missions Board) and have a job waiting for us in Europe/France as soon as we sell our house and pay off some debt. We are so excited about finally doing what God put on our hearts 4 years ago, yet we know though that God is still working in us. And in this trudgingly slow process God is really getting at the deep stuff in us, and though this process has been painful, we know He is growing us in ways we need to complete the task He has put on our hearts to do.
So please join us in prayer about this. I continue to feel more and more that this is a spiritual battle and during this process God has brought me back to my passion for prayer. We have also started going back to our old church, C3, which is a 45 minute drive for us. We love that church and the people, and just feel like that is where we need to be as we continue to prepare to go overseas. It is also where all my siblings go (with the pastor's wife being my sister), and I just love seeing them every week... but if we could sell our house, move into a smaller house to rent, and not have to drive so far to be more involved at our church, all those things would get us so much closer to getting overseas.
I really do love all of you who stay connected with me through my blog, and I pray for you often as I read about your needs through your blogs. Our God is such an awesome God and is wanting to do great things through all of us, yet so often we just have to get through the growing process to reap all that He has to give us on the other side.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
I Believe He's My Healer
Watch the song here in it's entirity:
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Dax Ottinger
Go to their blog and pray for them. Get to know them and let them know that someone that doesn't even know them are sharing their burden.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
My all time favorite post!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Lordy Lordy My Husband Turns 40 today!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Emergency Room and a Deer
Well, my husband along with the majority of our family would need to be passed out and in serious distress to call an ambulance. So we called a neighbor, to watch the kids until my mother could get here, and gathered our things and got in the car to go to the hospital. I was a little nervous thinking I may have to call 911 from the road and was reviewing my CPR skills in my head and I began to think if I would have to break his ribs to do effective CPR... but we made it to the hospital... and let me just tell you a secret. If you have to go to the emergency room tell them you have chest pain, or that a nurse from a nurse line said she thought you were having a heart attack... you will get rushed in and immediately attended to...niiiiice.
Well, after about 45 minutes of initial monitoring, they put him took him to the "heart" wing of the hospital to monitor him for a few more hours. They had taken some blood to test his heart enzymes and they needed to wait 3 hours to check it again. At that point is was 12:45am, and I was thinking I should have called the ambulance. So I told my husband I loved him, and to tell the nurses I would be in the grey Honda Oddessy; just knock on the back window if they needed me. I will be sleeping in the back seat... you think I'm kidding...
I awoke around 3:45 and went back in to find they were releasing him. The doctor said he really thought Ken had a bad case of Vertigo which may have been caused by a strange virus he had had the week before and may come back off and on for a few weeks. He said his heart seemed fine from their monitors, but went ahead and scheduled him for a heart stress test next week. So we packed up our things, thanked the nice nurses, thanked the Lord that we had not called an ambulance, and loaded back in the car to let my mom go home and get some sleep and mourn the sleep that we will not get as we greet our children as they awoke... or at least the sleep I will not get.
As we were driving home at 4:30am chatting about the nights events, right before we went through the town that is closest to us, a deer came flying across the road from my left. Now in all these split seconds as I felt relief knowing I was barely going to miss this animal, a second deer came out of the woods right behind him leaving me no option but to hit him straight on never swerving never loosing control, but watching him spin about 3 times on his side into the ditch on the left hand side of the road and still moving his head when he stopped.
While I was yelling, "I can't believe I killed a deer," and was even more in shock of the nights events, Ken told me we needed to stop and look at the damage. "Damage?" I said. "You think the car is messed up?" Well, we stopped and sure enough the whole drivers side was crushed in. I couldn't believe the damage. Well, were able to drive it home, and then to the body shop the next day and they took it from us immediately saying it was undriveable. So now we have a cool Chevy Impala with a sunroof that does not fit our entire family.
God has such a sense of humor. Thank you Lord that my husband is alive; that you have forced him to get his heart checked, and that I have a cool car to drive if daddy's not with us (something I will not experience for many more years I'm sure).
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Love Wins Always
Please also pray about supporting Hugh or get your church involved. He is doing a ministry that almost no one wants to do. I dirty, it's messy, it's hard, there are probably more disappointments than rejoicing sometimes, but isn't that what Jesus dealt with when He walked on the earth. Not many people followed him, even some of his closest friends betrayed him but he did it because He loved... and Love won in the end.
A small disclaimer
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
A Miracle of a different kind
Tonight my husband came down after spending time putting the kids to bed, while I sat resting for a few minutes at the computer, and he said, "Are you reading blogs? I hate coming downstairs after putting the kids to bed and having to spend time cleaning the kitchen when I just want to sit down and rest."
Now for all of you out there who don't know me well, I spend all day every day on my feet mostly cooking, cleaning, schooling, disciplining, breaking up fights, refereeing arguments, attempting to train good behavior, changing diapers, running up and down the stairs, more disciplining, and more similar activities... chasing after 4 kids 4 and 1/2 years apart (wishing I could fit a run in to keep me sane) ... While my husband, sweet man that he is, sits at a desk all day, except for the break he takes at lunch to run 3-4 miles while listening to his ipod, and drives in a quiet car to and from work listening to sermons or music, or just sits in silence sometimes praying...
Now I do not know why I responded this way, but in the past you probably would have seen fire come out of my eyes with that comment, and an argument or anger or coldness that would have lasted well into the night and possibly a few days with the expectation of sincere groveling and penance. But tonight, when he said that, I sat there for a second, then quietly got up and began cleaning the kitchen. Even while it was happening I felt like it was an out of body experience. I thought, "Why am I doing this? Why didn't I say anything. What is wrong with me?" And then it hit me, and I wanted to leap out of my skin and throw a party. Something in my "spirit" took over in that situation and I did the right thing!!!! I responded to my husband with respect and honor. I honestly cannot ever remember responding like that in any similar situation. And then I thought, "We can go to France!!!!"
One thing that has been on my heart for the past year is that a bad tree cannot bear good fruit, and a good tree cannot bear bad fruit, basically meaning, what is inside comes out when we are put under pressure, and I can assure you that alot has come out of me these past 10 years of marriage that is not good. And I have been very broken and have spent much time in prayer and in scripture about it this this past year... and I just saw the first fruits of my labor... and wow it was beautiful.
So the reason I share this is not because I want you to think my husband is a jerk, because he is not (I will share what he did for our 10th anniversary). I think God just has to allow us to go through things sometimes to show us we need to grow more because there is something bad on the inside. Or he wants to show us that we have broken a bondage that we have been under, and now when put under pressure good comes out.
Tonight I saw a miracle of a different kind, and it was beautiful.
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Happy 4th of July!!
Happy Independence Day!!! Hope your holiday was as awesome as ours!! We celebrated our 10th anniversary on the 3rd, helped feed the homeless on the in downtown Raleigh on the 4th, went to a Mudcats game with family on the 4th, watched our first fireworks show in 7 years after the game , and then went to an all day track meet for our oldest son on the 5th squeezing in a Saturday night church service at a not yet launched church plant we feel God has led us to be a part of in downtown Raleigh.
It was an amazing holiday with "the cookout with the homeless" being the highlight of the weekend. They were so kind to us and our kids, and it made me realize they are real people with lives and families and pasts, and parents who rejoiced at their birth... I met two guys specifically named Thomas and James. I was blessed by my conversation with them, and you could see it made them feel special that someone would treat them like a person. I found out that James had a son that was hit by a car and killed when he was 9 and a few other things about his life. I found out that Thomas was about to turn 40 and we joked about mid-life crisis. One man gave Phelicia a little "4th of July" toy airplane still in the plastic bag that he had probably picked up off the ground at some celebration in downtown Raleigh. It was so precious though, because he actually came up to me and asked if he could give it to her, and then gave it to me to hand to her. The respect that these people gave to Ken and I and our kids was amazing. Ken met a guy who had been in the military the same time he was, and they probably served close to the same time in Panama in the 80's.
I left there feeling more fulfilled than just about anything else I have done in my life... and I have done alot, especially in the name of "ministry". I felt like I was Jesus to some people that have heard alot about Jesus, but have not seen the unconditional love of Jesus in their life. I am so excited to go back and continue in these relationships, and make more friends. I realized these are people with hopes and dreams and hurts and families... we call them "homeless", but they are people who were given names at birth with the hopes that they would succeed in this thing called life. I do not know why they are not able to sleep and cook and live with a roof over their heads right now in their lives, but all I know is Jesus loves them, and He does not call them, "homeless". He calls them by name, and He says "you are special", and "I have a purpose for creating you, "and "I love you and care about where you are at."
I may write more on some of this later... but for now enjoy your holiday!! and I pray God will get you out of your comfort zone and rock your world like He has done in mine.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Belling the Cat
We have two birdhouses sitting on our back porch. I did not set them there with the thought that a bird would come and make a home in it, I probably did it one day while cleaning for someone to look at the house and I thought, "Decoration for the deck!!" They were birdhouses Levi and Austin had made with Cubscouts and I was hoping to put them up somewhere outside because birds will come to our yard if there is food and a house.
So forgetting I had put those birdhouses there, about a week ago I noticed a number of birds coming up on our deck and remaining there hopping around and playing on the railing. It was so awesome. I kept saying I wonder why the birds are coming up on our deck, and one of my sons finally said, "Mom it's the birdhouses." Well, we went out and looked in the birdhouses and sure enough they were building nests in them. We could stand inside the house and because of the closed window could watch them from 2-3 feet away coming and going bringing grass and straw for their nests, chasing off other birds from their territory... It was just amazing and something we all enjoyed doing.
Last Saturday, though, after we had watched the birds for a while we were all getting started with our day, and I heard a sort of a thump; sounding something like what our cat makes when he bangs into the door or falls from the screen trying to let us know he wants in (something I thought we had broken him of). So I looked through the back door and saw him, and because I did not want him to scare the bluebirds away I quickly opened the door and let him in... but as he came in I noticed he had a bluebird in his mouth (it makes me want to scream just typing about it).
I began to scream for Ken (much like you would if you had seen a mouse and were wanting someone else to come and take care of it) and I kept screaming until Ken came in where I was. He found the cat hiding behind the couch and got Tiger (our cat) to drop the bird. We now have a bird (not sure if it is dead or alive) in our house laying behind the couch. They were right by the front door, so Ken got one of the kids to hold the door open and got something flat to sort of scoop under it and as soon as he did that it the bird sprang to life and flew out the door.
I was very happy to know my cat had not taken the life of one of the beautiful bluebirds we watch every day, but I will say the news must have gotten around the bird kingdom because we have not seen many birds of any kind near our porch and even on our bird feeder in a couple of days. I sure hope in their little minds they will forget what happened and come back, or a new group clueless to "Tiger the bird eating cat" will come back so we can watch them again.
Ah the joys of the "life-cycle" and "survival of the fittest". Maybe I should put a bell around his neck as a sign to the bird kingdom that I'm on their side.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Prayer for Ethan
I have a cousin that I love dearly who has a son with Autism. If you don't know anyone who has a child with severe autism, it can be very hard on the family. Robby and Karen are the parents (Robby being my cousin) and Ethan is there precious son. He and my oldest son are only one day apart. They are both 7 years old turning 8 in October. My cousin and his wife have spent many years and alot of money turning over every rock in hopes to help their son get better, if even just a little bit. Also as a child gets older with autism the challenges get greater for the family. But as with every physical ailment we can come to the end of solutions and then have to turn to the Great Physician.
So, if God can raise the dead, why can't he bring healing to this child, if even just a little. Maybe not overnight, maybe slowly, maybe enough so that they would never have to entertain the thought of an institution... but possible. For those of you that have been following our modern day miracle with Tricia & Nate, anything is possible... even today.
Tomorrow they are taking Ethan to be prayed over by the Elders of the church. This will take place 5:00pm Eastern time. So Please join me in prayer for this family and this precious little boy. It's hard for most of us to even begin to understand what they go through day to day without an end in sight... So, I will be praying that they will find hope and healing through this step of faith. I didn't mention, but this is a big step of faith for my cousin.
Father I lift up this family and little boy to you including his older sister who I didn't mention above. You love them and care so much for them. You have allowed this in their life for Your purpose, and you promised not to give us more than we can handle. So please show this family Your grace and mercy. Show them how this situation can be used for your glory. My personal request is that you would heal Ethan completely. That they would be able to hear the words, "I love you mom and dad," from a son who cannot outwardly show his thankfulness for how much his parents do for him. Give Robbie and Karen comfort and wisdom. Heal their hearts where it has broken. Refresh them where the life has exhausted them. Let us see your power tomorrow. You tell us You want to do more than we can even think or imagine... so please let us see You here and now. Thank you for all that You do for us... and for all that You are going to do. We love you Lord...
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Let's have a Party!!
It's sad that you go to that much effort and stress for a 15 minute visit. So if any of you are in the neighborhood, please stop in. It probably won't look like this for long... at least until the next family comes to look at our house. :-)
We have had some interested people, one family in particular, maybe not the ones who came yesterday, but I continue to feel confident that God has the people chosen already, it is just not His timing yet. Thanks for praying.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
House Viewing
I got a little more notice this time, but someone emailed me last week and said they were seriously interested in our house. We emailed back and forth numerous times sending pictures and asking and answering questions. Now, I'm not sure why they used the word seriously, because there are a millions of houses on the market right now, and to me there is no reason why our house should stand our any more than any other ones... unless maybe God already spoke to them about this one and He needs to move us on towards the passion HE put in our hearts 5 or 6 years ago (sharing a relevant Christ with the people of Europe).
We have recently come across a church plant, that is just in the process of launching in another part of town. We have been praying about becoming a part of this group and learning and experiencing more of the hands on process of planting another church... and maybe GOD wants to move us closer. We have no idea. All we know is tomorrow is a good day... (except for the frantic cleaning and straightening I will be doing while trying to keep my kids occupied and keeping them from messing up what I have just cleaned)... and God is in control and knows the plan, and IT IS GOOD!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Homeschooling... Why I do it...
Once upon a time, there were two farmers. The first farmer had many acres planted in rows and rows of corn as far as the eye could see. In the springtime, enormous machines would plow the fields, making long, straight lines in the soil. Then other enormous machines would drop in the seeds so that they were all just the right distance apart. The young plants were fertilized in order to grow a tremendous number of the largest, most robust ears of corn you could ever see. Later, large airplanes would dust the corn with poison to kill the insects that might be lurking, waiting to harm the crop. Finally, a tractor would come and cut down the corn while many workers moved quickly to get the harvest loaded onto huge trucks. The farmer was very proud of himself. “This corn will travel all around the world. Look how much man can accomplish in just one season!” he said.
The second farmer did not have many acres planted in rows as far as the eye could see. He only had a small plot in his back yard that was full of all sorts of growing things. He had tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, okra, pumpkins, herbs and flowers, and even a peach tree! This farmer plowed his field himself, so sometimes his furrows were squiggly instead of straight. He planted the seeds himself, so sometimes they were too close together and he had to thin them. When the young plants sprouted, he carefully pulled out any weeds that threatened them. He kept a sharp eye out for harmful insects so that he could prevent infestation. He watered the plants deeply every day, and soon this thriving garden became a joy to his life. At harvest time the farmer made a simple soup and sat down to eat with his family. “Thank you, Father, for what you can accomplish in the fullness of time,” he said.
Educators today face enormous pressure to be like the first farmer. They are to produce results as quickly and efficiently as possible. At the beginning of each school year, they are presented with curriculum standards and scope-and-sequence charts. In many instances they are expected to cover a lesson per day, regardless of whether or not their students have mastered the material. Then, at the end of the year, one test (usually multiple-choice) will tell them, their principals, the students’ parents, and the media how well they did their job. One of the many problems with this all-too-common industrial model of education is that teaching the learner has been overlooked in favor of teaching a curriculum. Let us not forget that education is not a product which can be put together on an assembly line. In the words of Mason, it is an atmosphere, a discipline, and a life.
Even though the first farmer had the ability to manipulate nature, I do not think anyone reading this blog would argue that food that has been processed or spent weeks ripening on a truck is of better quality than what you grow in your own back yard or pick up at the local farmer’s market. (As a southern girl, I can tell you that the best tomatoes you will ever eat have been left on the vine to ripen in the sun! Yum!) Children, too, are living organisms who will grow on their own time table. Yes, there are things you can do as a teacher to speed things along, but meddle too much and the harvest will not be as sweet. As Mason said, let us allow our students to take from a reading what they are ready to digest. Let them explore their world freely. Let them make connections on their own. Prepare the ground with a loving environment, carefully pull out the weeds by helping with habit formation, let them drink deeply from God’s word, and then leave the rest to the fullness of time.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day Dad! You are my Hero!
I am so proud of my father. He has influenced my life in ways he will never know. I'm sure many people come to the end of their life and wished they had done things differently at times, but he has 4 children all deeply in love with Christ and serving the Lord... And as a believer, to get to live and witness that is about as great a heritage as anyone could ask for. He was the first one in his family to become a Christian. His family was very poor, and even had some skeletons in the closet that can get strongholds on a family. But he and his siblings broke the cycle. His parents and even his father who had been an alcoholic, eventually accepted Christ and never looked back. And is I am correct, everyone of the grandkids from his parents, are walking with Christ and many very involved in ministry and Bible studies today.
My father was introduced to church as a child through a bus ministry and eventually made a profession of faith and answered the call to ministry. At the age of 18 he boarded a train from Clovis, California, with one trunk holding all his worldly possessions, and headed for Oklahoma to Bible College to become a preacher. He is the only one in his family that left California to follow the calling God made on His life, and for that I honor him.
He then went into music ministry, and led many church choirs, taught music at two Bible Colleges, and eventually pastored a number of churches. His love is music and even has a masters in voice, but his heart is lost souls. He is an amazing pastor and teacher. I sat under his preaching most of my childhood, and therefore feel very discipled by him. I still think of illustrations and sermons that sunk deep into my heart and I forever pull them up in tough situations.
One interesting story in particular, though, that has made one of the deepest imprints on my life to this day, was when we were coming home from visiting our family in California. It was Sunday morning, and even though we were traveling we did not miss church. So we were somewhere in the desert of New Mexico (and I mean desert) around 10:30am we got off on an exit and proceeded to find a church. I'm not sure how we found it because I'm not even sure there was a gas station, but we did find a church, and went in and sat at the back as it had already started.
Now we're talking middle of nowhere in the desert of New Mexico, and there were probably not 10 people in the small church building. Now to say the piano player was horrible was an understatement, and they were struggling through a hymn as we tried to sneak on the back pew. At the end of that song the person attempting to play the piano said their piano player was out of town and that she had prayed that God would send someone so that she would not have to play that morning.
Now I don't think I mentioned that my father was an amazing pianist. He is the kind of person who can sit down at the piano and play almost anything by ear, or with music, and also add all the fancy stuff. Therefore, my siblings and I started kind of looking at my dad wondering if he was going to say anything. Well, he sat there and let this poor lady struggle through one more song where she stopped a couple of times when she lost her place, or just couldn't find the right note, and would mentioned every time that she just knew God was going to send her a piano player that morning. Well, my father eventually raised his hand slightly and said, "I play the piano," and went up and helped lead us all into the presence of an amazing God.
Now don't stop reading because the story gets better. When the music was all done, a man walked up to the podium and turned to my father and said, "You wouldn't happen to be a preacher because our pastor is also out of town"... So my father sort of laughed and said, "Well actually I am the pastor," and ended up preaching the sermon that morning also. Amazingly, earlier that morning he had asked my mother to drive so that he could have a quiet time in the back of the van, where he just happened to go over a sermon he had preached before. I still stand amazed when I think about it.
It still brings tears to my eyes when I think of that story. God cared so much about that lady and her simple request that He used a family from Missouri on vacation in California, as the answer to her prayer. A simple family with parents who thought it was important to find a place to worship on Sunday mornings. We were the answer... that just blows me away. God used my parents who were just trying to be faithful to what they knew.
It convicts me to my core about why I don't pray in any and every situation, and why I put so much on myself to do things sometimes when God is just saying, "Come to me Gina because I really do care about the small things"... And just in typing this, God has impressed upon me that maybe if I would be faithful to the convictions He has put on my heart up to this point in my life I could be the answer to someone's prayer over and over and over again."
Thank you dad for being such an awesome example for me to follow. It's even in the small things you do now like staying faithful in a church and really getting involved no matter what life throws at you. I love you and can only hope to leave a legacy to my children as you have given to yours.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Nothing like the smell of napalm in the morning...
Can anyone say "rapture"... Recently I often think, "floods, earthquakes, fires, wars... shouldn't we be seeing Christ in the clouds soon?" It's all so strange... so the kids and I are going to go drown our concerns at the local YMCA pool where there actually is water.
On a side note, if you think your day is stressful today, remember the Lawrenson's. Tricia a young twenty something with cystic fibrosis who just had the joy of experiencing a life long prayer of having a child, and who soon after had a lung transplant is having some complications which can be a by-product of a transplant. Please pray for this family as they are back in Durham in the hospital after only a short time home for testing and biopsy to try to figure out what is going on.
Remember also people like the Steven Curtis Chapman family, people in China and Myanmar many suffering without the hope of Christ, the orphans of Africa, and so many others who really know what it is to struggle and suffer. Yes, God cares about our smallest problems, but often our complaining just needs a fresh perspective.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Update on Kali Norris
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Cleaned to the Closets in 4 Hours!!
Now the reason I took on this daunting task is because the kids and I have been walking around our house everyday praying for the family that will buy it; thanking God that He knows the day and time it will be sold; and after lunch yesterday I had told the kids I felt like God wanted us to go on the the front porch and pray for the buyers of our house. When I went inside, I had this email waiting for me asking to see the house. It all happened so fast, and in such a way I felt like God was answering our prayers, how could I say no. (plus I have to admit I always like a little bit of a challenge). I have to say, though, it may take me a few days to find everything I stuffed under the beds or threw in a box and stored in the car for a few hours. But man our house is clean. It almost looks like a hotel. I am so impressed with myself... okay, I'm sure God is the one who miraculously helped me think and clean and organize those 4 crazy hours.
So now you all need to join us in prayer. God has taken us to the edge of our faith financially and really there is no other option except that He shows up or we basically do not pay our bills every month... of course we could go without food and electricity... but we sort of like that. It's crazy that in America you can have a really good job, but cannot get a loan to refinance things because of a mistake the bank made, and the credit card companies would rather you go into bankruptcy than work with you.
I am really not complaining because in my world God always shows up and I love it when He takes us to the edge and grows our faith because that means we are defeating Satan once again and often for the encouragement of someone else to see. This time in our lives has also let Ken and I understand what alot of people in America are going through financially and we really have compassion for them... especially if they don't know Christ. I don't see how you don't have a nervous break down without Christ if you're in a situation similar to ours. People are losing their home, some living in cars, some on the street... How does that happen? Now Ken and I know...
Saturday, May 31, 2008
14 year old Kali Norris and family
This is a precious family in ministry who is walking a road no one ever wants to go down. You can go to this website to see a picture of her and just to know who you're praying for. You can also go to the website for missing and explioted children.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
China - A Disaster for Humanity... An Opportunity for God
Two weeks after the earthquake, 5 million people are homeless and an expected 80,000 have lost their lives.
The Chinese government have done a commendable job restoring order and providing shelter and food to the victims in the more populated areas.
Aftershocks continue, with one 6.4 killing and destroying homes on Sunday. Meanwhile, dams are threatening to burst as are “lakes” which have formed by falling debris and landslides. Flooding is a serious threat with heavy rains expected these couple of days.
I am in the earthquake zone a team of Disaster Relief trainers. We will be visiting the earthquake site tomorrow then conducting a two day seminar for House Church volunteers Thursday and Friday.
We will also be conducting training for the staff of relief agencies and foreign teams.
We will also be strategizing with House Church leaders about forming a LONG TERM PLAN TO PLANT CHURCHES in the regions where they are conducting relief.
There is an amazing need and an amazing opportunity. Keep praying for the people of this country who on a normal day do not have the opportunity to hear about Jesus.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Michael W. Smith - funeral for daughter Maria
Hi Everyone,
Thanks for all your prayers for the Chapman family. They certainly have felt the love of God over the past few days from all those who have lifted them up in prayer during this unimaginably difficult time.
Kari and I are flying back to LA as I write after an amazing two days in Nashville. This was life changing. The name of the Lord was exalted in ways that we could never retell. We are in awe at His grace, compassion and mercy. Little Maria's life, although short, has already moved mightily in peoples lives to bring Him glory.
Last night the entire family stood in the church as a long line of friends and acquaintances greeted them, hugged them, cried with them and loved on them. The Chapman family and Steven's ministry has obviously impacted so many. They stood there for more than 4 hours before one of the pastors finally stopped it and had hundreds still remaining in line just sit down and then Steven apologetically, but so graciously addressed the entire group.
At the funeral, both Michael W. Smith and Matt Redman helped lead everyone in worship. Matt led us in a song we often sing that he wrote, "Blessed Be the Name of the Lord." It was amazing to watch the Chapman family sing with loud voices as they hugged one another, "He gives and takes away. He gives and takes away. My heart will choose to say, 'Lord, blessed be your name.'" This song will never be the same to me personally.
We worshipped and sang for 30-minutes. And then the Chapman's celebrated Maria by sharing stories and talking about her for almost an hour and a half, praising God for her life and acknowledging that she was safe in the arms of Jesus. All the while pictures of Maria flashed on two big screens behind the stage - her little white casket at the foot of the stage. She was buried in the "flower girl" dress she was going to wear in Emily's upcoming wedding.
Jeff Moore sang Steven's song "With Hope" which Steven wrote for a family years ago, going through the same type of tragedy. All of Maria's little friends came forward and placed a flower at the foot of the casket while Jeff sang.
The Chapmans are unwaivering in their love for Christ and doing well. Their entire family was a display of faith in practice at the most difficult time of their lives. No one in the family wore shoes, because the veil had been lifted for Maria. They were on "Holy Ground" and God's presence was felt.
Caleb (19) said in his prayer, "while we've always been excited about Heaven, it seems so much more real now...and gets us that much more excited to be there ourselves someday. So we'll live life on Earth as if each day counts until we get there.". He also said that although they are "confused" they've never been so sure about Christ and His saving grace. Caleb likened this to one of those abstract pictures that when you're up close, you can't see what it is, but as you step back, you start to see what the artist wants you to see. He said, "And this is a big picture, so we may have to stand waaayyy back."... but we will see what the Artist has designed and what the picture is.
He has his dad's wisdom - well beyond his years.
Emily Chapman (22) just got engaged and said that after the proposal, Maria was the only one who asked, "What did you say?". Maria asked it multiple times. (Of course Emily said "yes" to her future husband). But Emily addressed the 3000+ crowd and turned Maria's question back to everyone listening in regards to their answer to Christ's proposal to each of us,. "What did you say?". Powerful under these circumstances. The good news of the Gospel was presented four times throughout the ceremony by the family.
Steven was a rock and just gave all the glory to God. The model of a humble, Godly man. I'm so proud to call him a friend. His humility and appreciation for everyone there, which was a testament to his character and his sincere faith and love for his God and His son, Jesus Christ. As he hugged and cried with Kari and I, he just kept reminding us that "Heaven is real."
Steven shared that after the accident, in the hospital, he held Maria's lifeless body and cried out to God. He cried out, asking to somehow see some kind of sign that she was going to be okay...to see that she was going to be safe. When they got home that night, they found the last picture Maria drew on that Wednesday afternoon on her little art table (she loved to draw!). It was a flower and a butterfly and folded in half like a card. When Steven opened the card up, she had written one word on the inside - a word he didn't even know she knew how to spell. It was "See." A simple answer to his cry to 'see' that she was safe.
Please keep praying for them. They are worn out, sad and yet rejoicing in the Lord. Please pray for Will Franklin Chapman. He seems to be the one that is having the hardest time and struggling with the guilt of the accident. It truly was an accident. Will pulled the car into the driveway and because the family was throwing a party that night for Caleb's graduation, he decided to back the car up onto the grass just as Maria ran out behind the car to welcome him home. There was no way for him to know that Maria was behind that car. The Lord was ready to take Maria home. He knew the number of her days. Will stood with Maria's favorite pink blanket draped over his shoulders both days.
All in all God was glorified. Praise Him for His sovereign ways.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Steven Curtis Chapman - Urgent prayer!
Please pray for this family as they travel this road for a long time, and that this situation will bring glory to the God they love and trust.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Tim Hawkins talks about Mom's, Parenting, and Homeschoolers
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Happy Mother's Day!!
BOSTON — If a stay-at-home mom could be compensated in dollars rather than personal satisfaction and unconditional love, she'd rake in a nifty sum of nearly $117,000 a year.
That's according to a pre-Mother's Day study released Thursday by Salary.com, a Waltham, Mass.-based firm that studies workplace compensation.
The eighth annual survey calculated a mom's market value by studying pay levels for 10 job titles with duties that a typical mom performs, ranging from housekeeper and day care center teacher to van driver, psychologist and chief executive officer.
This year, the annual salary for a stay-at-home mom would be $116,805, while a working mom who also juggles an outside job would get $68,405 for her motherly duties.
One stay-at-home mom said the six-figure salary sounds a little low.
"I think a lot of people think we sit and home and have a lot of fun and don't do a lot of work," said Samantha Russell, a Fremont, N.H., mother who left her job as pastry chef to raise two boys, ages 2 and 4. "But they should try cleaning their house with little kids running around and messing it up right after them."
Read more here.... and I just want to say, "Where's my paycheck!!"
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Life, Kidz Gig, New Job, and "House For Sale"
I praise God for pushing me into this situation. I volunteered because they needed helpers, and God has brought me back to something I love and thrive in.
Also If any of you have been reading the last few weeks... Ken did get a job and a great one... the one he wanted out of all the jobs he applied for. It's interesting though, the first day before leaving for work he got a phone call from our contact in France with the IMB (International Mission Board), and he felt like it was just God saying, "Don't forget what I am preparing you for. I have called you to something greater." So now we need all the prayers from all our friends and family to sell our house against all odds in a downward economy... and the sooner the better. We are willing to live in a 2 room shack if God would just sell our house. So I have started praying for that family that is going to buy our house ... and believing that God is going to do more than what we could ask or imagine.
Well, I hope every one is well and I can hardly wait to be back in touch with you.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Welcome to the Blog World Nikki!!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Tricia Lawrenson discharged today at 10:30!!!
How many of us can really say, I lay everything down... even if it doesn't make sense... even if we look like fools... even if it means losing our life. Tricia can truly say she laid her life down for another life, and God gave her "life" back.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
The Last Lecture
Friday, April 18, 2008
What Do You Really Believe
Many of my friends and fellow bloggers have probably noticed my husband and I have not blogged quite as much this year as we had in the following year. Many things have been going on in our lives that we have just chosen to wait to share.
As many of you know we stepped down from the missions organization we were going to go to France with last spring. There were some differences in philosophy and implementation, and a number of mentors encouraged Ken down this road. We immediately under the counsel of a number of pastors created an organization, "Catalyst France", that really held to what we believed would work in France and Europe in reaching this generation. Things no other organization had done as of yet.
After we had done this we began receiving emails and phone calls from a guy Ken had met in France the year before with the IMB (International Mission Board with the Southern Baptist) who was really wanting to change the way things are being done in Europe to reach this new generation. He and Ken talked a number of times and he told us he wanted us to really pray about coming and working with him and the IMB in Europe to plant a church, and then recruit, raise up, and train pastors and church planters/missionaries to implement the ideas we had been talking about.
The exciting thing about the IMB is that if you can make it through the interview process (b/c it is long and grueling) they pay your salary to live anywhere in the world to reach the population you need to reach. Yes, that meant they would pay for us to live in the most expensive city in the world if we had to and never worry about a single bill. They will even pay extra for things like a special school for your child or tutoring if you showed that it would help your family.
Anyway, we began trepidly walking down this path because we knew the process, and had been through some of it before. God continued to appear to open every door through the process this time up until recently. In this process you have to have serious medical clearance. If you have ever had a pain in your life or in your family history you have to have it looked into and resolved before you can go. Now this is where our life has gotten interesting.
Ken has heart problems in his family and has to get thoroughly checked out to get his medical clearance. Well, Ken has not gotten insurance yet after stepping down from our initial missions organization, b/c he had been working part time jobs while waiting for God to show clearly his path for us. Therefore he began putting out resumes knowing we will probably be here a year going through the IMB process.
To make a long story short, he has been putting out resumes for several months with very few responses, and we also put our house on the market knowing we would eventually have to sell it and to help out with bills in the meantime. As of yesterday Satan dealt his biggest blow yet financially and we have found ourselves where alot of Americans have found themselves in this downward spiraling market. We realize we could be one month away from losing our house and going into a great financial hole that could disqualify us from continuing the process with the IMB to France.
I do not say all this for anyone to send us money or for people to feel sorry for us. It has been an amazing time of really finding out what we believe about God and what His word says. I had a few minutes of panic yesterday, but I sat the kids down and began "preaching" to them what I needed to hear about God and asking them if we really believe this.
At our church I have been helping out in the Children's ministry as a large group teacher and worship leader and this month the theme is JOY and just last week the phrase for the week is "I can have JOY in any circumstance b/c God has a plan for my life." That has been ringing in my head even before all this happened. I have been so stretched by what I have been learning with the children and if as adults we cannot walk in what we are teaching our children what are we really saying to our kids and a lost world. So, I chose yesterday that Satan was not going to steal our joy... and we have walked around our house quoting the truth of scripture and singing wild praise songs b/c we know God is going to show up. We just know it.
We have been praising HIM for all the things he is going to do, and all the things HE is doing that we cannot see, and if we lose our house and if God shuts down every visible avenue for us to follow the dream He has put in our hearts. We can trust God and have JOY because HE is a good God and Father and promises that HE has a plan for our lives.
"Thank you Jesus that we can trust you, and that You have an awesome plan for our lives even if it does not look exactly like we planned or expected... It will be better... for a lost and dying world. I love you so much today and I pray our situation can encourage someone else in a similar situation. Life can be scary, but YOU are not and have more to give us than we can ever imagine."
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
The True Test of a Procrastinator
Guess where my husband was tonight (LOL) ... You gotta love 'em or they might just drive you crazy.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Team Hoyt - I Can !
Here is the first story: (be sure to get your kleenexes out)
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Tenness Lady Vols claim 2nd straight NCAA Title



Monday, April 07, 2008
Bring The Rain
I love how the internet, especially the blog world, opens my eyes to those around me and reminds me that there are so many hurting people around me... many without Christ. It makes me look at what I think is suffering and changes my perspective to thankfulness. It lets me join in the chorus of prayers that are lifting up people like this family and so many others. It has become a place to meet knew friends and to share a little bit of life from a distance... and I can say that these friendships mean so much to me, and I always look forward to a post to see how they are and how I might pray for them... to laugh and cry with them...
Thank you Lord for the freshness of this new blog I found yesterday. I pray for this family that you would continue to pour out your peace on them and that their loss and sorrow would be used for Your glory. I pray I could only be half as humble and gentle and precious as Todd and Kate are (If you read their blog you will see what I mean). Please help me to get from here to there. You know where I want to be. I want my life to make a difference in the population of heaven and for there to be a footprint if only a small one that I existed, not so that I can receive any glory, but that you would be raised up because of my life. Please Lord let my life count for something even if I don't see it in my lifetime. Let my character reflect you so that others want what I have.
Thursday, April 03, 2008
A Modern Day Miracle
I just sort of stand in shock at everything that has happened with this family and how flawlessly it is all happening. I think 99.9% of the world would have aborted the baby, and would have just gone on with their plans for their own life... but Nate and Tricia (especially Tricia) decided to trust God with her life and her child's life and have shown the world a modern day miracle for thousands to see again the power of God... and maybe just begin to believe what God could do in our lives if we would be able to trust our lives in His hands just like Nate and Tricia.
Lady Vols Advance to the Final Four!!
Tennessee came out looking very strong. The commentators were talking about how Tennessee had 7 National Championships, had been to the final game 7 out of last 8 years, have won 101 games in the NCAA tournament to Texas A&M's 6. This was definitely a David against Goliath even though Texas A&M has a great team this year. This was the first year A&M had made it this far in the tournament. They had held their opponents to %30 shooting in all of their games this season, but Tennesse in the first half was already hitting was hitting 78% of what they were shooting.
Candice Parker, who is just a Jr., is Tennessee's newest superstar and they say she is the female equivalent to a Michael Jordan. She is very tall and very athletic. She can vertically jump higher than anyone in Women's college basketball, and she can shoot from anywhere on the court in any position.
That being said Tennessee was beginning to slightly pull away mid-way through the first half. They certainly weren't running over Texas A&M though, A&M had still made it to the elite 8. Anyway, Candice Parker in true form was blocking and rebounding everything in her reach, but on one successful steal as Tennessee was really beginning to make a substantial run and take a big lead, Candice Parker reached her arm in, got the ball and began to dribble down the court when she finally had to stop and began wincing and holding her left arm. She had knocked her left shoulder out of socket. It looked horrible.
The training staff popped it back in and she was back in within just a few minutes... but that didn't last for long. Once you pop your arm out of socket, it loosens the joint making it more likely to happen again... And it did happen again while reaching up to block a pass and she was pulled out of the game and sent to the locker room.
With her being out of the game made it was a much more even playing field. I began to imagine the ribbing I would take for years to come if Tennessee didn't win this game. I am much kinder when my team wins. They took Candice Parker back to the training room and did some therapy on her, while Tennessee and Texas A&M played a pretty even game, with Tennessee actually struggling to stay ahead. Candice finally came back out in the second half with a brace on her shoulder and came back into the game. You could tell she was not %100 percent. She missed a few baskets from awkward angles under the basket, but these were baskets she normally could make in her sleep, but just having her presence and long arms to help blocking helped the team.
She got fouled a number of times and made %60 her free throws even though you could see her wincing every time her left arm went up in the air with the follow-through. She basically played the last quarter of the game at about %50... but having her at %50 was better than anyone else at %100. At one point Texas A&M took the lead, but the rest of the Tennesse team rallied around Candice, and with their experience and leadership in the last couple of minutes Sr. Horbuckle's 3 point shot from the "parking lot" pretty much solidified the lead. :-) The Lady Vols looked very relieved at the buzzer to have made it to the next round.
I am so proud to be a Lady Vol! Sorry Honey...